The Second date.
Susan Estrich has a wonderful sidebar commentary in the most recent issue of Newsmax. It's entitled "Oprah Boosts Obama, But Not Enough" and appears on page 45.
Susan describes Oprah as a great promoter for women's issues, novels, movies, food and even Dr. Phil! Oprah is and will continue to be, a "force" in many social & cultural arenas, and on many varied stages. Susan quickly points out that because of Oprah's far ranging appeal, even if Barack "had a few warts," like a lack of charisma, or if his personality was too "cool" for the electorate, Oprah could fix those problems. But, Susan says, those aren't problems Barack has. And I agree.
I'll admit that I like listening to Obama speak, he's a good speaker, but that's as far as it goes for me. In my estimation, Barack Obama can only be a Vice Presidential candidate, because at this point in his career he lacks both a breath & depth of experience. Even more important than his lack of the right kind of experience, Barack has been making a lot of careless mistakes. A few weeks ago he said he wasn't going to wear a flag pin. OK. I thought it was a mistake, but not everyone wants to wear a flag pin in their lapel. However, recently he was photographed at a campaign stop with other candidates not covering his heart during the playing of the National Anthem. Reports also said that he remained silent with his hands at his side during the "Pledge of Allegiance" as well! People are wondering what's with this guy is he ashamed that he's an American? Now, I'm sure this could have been a careless oversight on his part, or maybe it's even being reported incorrectly - but as the potential U.S. President - you can't make mistakes like this! Certainly if you're going to be Commander In Chief and our country's got troops in harms way, you have to show your patriotism! Here's the picture, (hope it comes through). If not, it's easy enough to find via Google.
Susan describes her feelings about Barack this way, "You go home from your first date with Obama knowing you have met someone who could change your life. And then what? You wait for the second date that will build on the first, that will prove that this guy is actually ready, now, up to the job, burning with the fire in his belly, willing to stand up and do what it takes, to fight with every bit of energy and intelligence he has for what only he can do for the country and the world."
She finishes by saying that these traits - that so many Democrats are looking for in Barack - aren't something that Oprah can come up with. They are things that must come from deep within the candidate - and Susan is still looking for them in Barack!
Susan Estrich sure doesn't need me to agree with her to make a credible point, but I do agree with her! If I were asked to put a finger on a central issue I'm having with this entire campaign, it would be that I don't see those magical characteristics from any of the other 14 candidates either - Democrat or Republican!
Nobody has "thrilled me" enough to make me want to "give up my Saturday night" to go on a second date with any one of them! Frankly, the new Republican guy Fred Thompson already strikes me as "old & tired." Unfortunately, for a different reason, so does John McCain! (I just think John is tired out after 2004). In fact, when I see the 2008 Republican candidates standing up there on the debate stage, I forget who I'm looking at...all I see is Alf Landon, Wendell Willkee, Thomas E. Dewey, Barry Goldwater and Bob Dole! All nice guys, but none of them could win a national election! As far as I'm concerned, none of today's candidates exude enough strength and personality to inspire allegiance in the international arena either! And that includes Rudy!
The Democrats are no better! I once described them as "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs" and unfortunately the appellation still holds! I just can't figure out which one's "Sneezy," "Grumpy," "Sleazy," "Dopey," "Bashful," "Drippy," or "Droopy!" And to be perfectly honest, Snow White's "shrill-'o-meter" is climbing into the red zone frequently enough that she's vying for the part of "The Evil Queen" in more ways than one!
Who'd have thought that "wondering what the second date will be like" would be an appropriate illustration of the 2008 Presidential campaign!? But it is! And so far I'm "all dressed up with no place to go!"
"All alone, by the telephone / Waiting for a ring, a ting-a-ling." - Irving Berlin