Saturday, October 27, 2007

Really frustrated with Republicans!

It's bad enough that for most of the week I fight pulling my hair out, because of something the Democrats have done or tried to do.....trying to slip the "Dream Act" through again this week is a good example. But these days I get just as "nuts" listening to Republicans. Especially our Republican candidates for President. It's getting so bad, that this week I noticed that for the most part, I don't hear words anymore....I just see their lips moving and all I hear is a droning duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

What drives me crazy about the cast of Republican posers is that there is no real staunch conservative out there. There's no Reagan - hell, it's not even close! I see a bunch of "centrists" at best. (Just listen to Ron Paul whine for 5 minutes and you'll go deaf!)

And don't let anyone kid you - Rudy is not a Reagan republican. He's a tough mayor from a large democratic city, who was the best in this country's time of crisis, who also happened to be a law and order guy when the city needed a strong prosecuting attorney. Would I vote for him instead of a liberal candidate? Absolutely! But I'm not kidding myself, I know what I'd be getting. He wears the label of Republican, with a lot of northeast liberal "salted" in there.

To varying degrees all the other Republican candidates are the same. Each offers a Republican facade, with a "spongy centrist core." By that I mean that when push comes to shove, I believe they'd all be very willing to give into liberal ideals in order to garner support, or at the very best would need to be prodded and reminded what a strong conservative position would be. That doesn't make me feel confident about our field of candidates. I thought that maybe Fred Thompson was going to "come out swinging" and really charge up the campaign, but so far I'm just listening to a guy with a "down home" accent getting his feet underneath him, and giving me homilies!

I was hoping we'd get to hear a debate of conservative ideals versus liberal ideals - Reagan against anybody the Democrats could field. My dream was that Miz Clinton would debate Newt Gingrich - or just as savory, Al Gore debating Newt Gingrich! Say what you will about Newt Gingrich's personality, he is one impressive speaker and a true Reagan Republican. Electable? I thought so. But I guess we'll never know now. Seems like the two best candidates from either party, are going to sit this one out and let the lesser celebrities carry the water for their respective parties. A pity that the best we can do is water-boys and water-girls!

And as Republicans, instead of once again capturing the glory of the Reagan era, instead we're going to "shrink" away from the focus on national strength, the Constitution, and family/moral values that Reagan reminded us of in the 80's, and return to "feel-good social Republicanism." How sad.

Maybe we are only RINO's (republicans in name only).

Dum Spiro Spero!


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