This weekend we watched as NY Governor Eliot Spitzer announced that "undocumented immigrants" in the State of New York will be able to get NY State Drivers Licenses. While the Governor for the State of New York gleefully managed to "steam-roll" his legislation through, it does afford some interesting benefits for law enforcement personnel - both at the State, Municipal and Federal level.
The mission of the Immigration and Customs enforcement agency is to protect America and uphold public safety by targeting the people, money and materials that support terrorist and criminal activities. ICE enforces the nation's customs and immigration laws and provides security for federal buildings. *
Having a drivers license does not change a person's immigration status relative to the laws of our country. We still have immigration laws - which must be upheld.
These people have broken our laws, and admitted it! Below are some important points;- Holders of this type of license have broken United States law.
- County Clerks will be able to generate a list of individuals who have been granted these licenses.
- These "new" licenses bear the photo of the individual who it has been awarded to. This now becomes a legal form of identification for that individual.
- Please locate any person carrying one of these new NY State licenses.
- Match the picture on the license to the person you are looking at. If they match, arrest the person you are speaking to. The "charge" is entering the country illegally. The verdict is "guilty by admission" for requesting this license.
- Detain the newly "licensed illegal alien" (LIA) and begin deportation action.
- Arrange transport of LIA back to home country. Confiscate NY State Drivers License (since it is only valid for driving in the State of New York), and release them in an unpopulated area, either alone or in groups. Do not notify home country of their "repatriation."
- Return to NY state or 3 other states having similar LIA licensing procedures and repeat process - quickly - and repeatedly.
* taken directly from U.S. I.C.E "Careers" page.
Dum Spiro Spero!
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