WARNING the United States against regime change in Cuba! Uh-oh!!!
Yesterday in NYC, Cuba's Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Rogue warned the United States against Regime Change in Cuba, saying that his country is prepared to defend itself if the United States tries to force regime change there. In a speech at the United Nations (where else!) he added that the conflict would jeopardize U.S. stability!
In fiery words intended to show strength, resolve and I'm sure not a little bit of that famous Cuban 'machismo,' Rogue shouted, "We are not threatening, and we never bluff. We respect the United States, but we demand respect for ourselves, and we would defend our country from an attempt to have foreign aggression."
I guess Mr. Rogue was feeling pretty "froggy" yesterday after the UN passed its 18th consecutive annual resolution pleading with the United States to end the 46 year old trade embargo with Cuba, started after the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1960.
Let me make sure I've got your comedy routine right Felipe.....standing on our soil in NYC (screw this international organization crap), after your socialist Presidente stands shoulder to shoulder with the communist Dictator of Venezuela, "Ego" Chavez, calling us the great Satan and praying for our defeat by the Islamo fascists....you address the world press with Mussolini-like puffery and strutting, shake your finger at us and WARN us -- IN OUR OWN HOME?
(One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.......deep cleansing breath. OK!)
Here's a "shout out" to Mr. Rogue.
Sir,Dum Spiro Spero!
You really need to go look at a World Map there at the United Nations. Run your finger completely across the Atlantic Ocean, go between Spain and North Africa and continue all the way to the right hand side of the Mediterranean Sea, got it? Good! Now 'stick a pin' in places labeled Israel, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan. You may have heard of them - they comprise a large part of what's known as "the Middle East." And they're kind of important right now. On an "importance scale" of 1 to 10; with them being a "10," we figure that (no disrespect intended) you guys & gals in Cuba are about a "- 6." Sorry to burst that bubble for ya Felipe!
As far as America forcing regime change on Cuba is concerned, there you go with wishful thinking again! Why would we want to waste our efforts on something that's collapsing on itself anyway? Fidel? Raul? Ancient history. A few more years and the people of Cuba will say "enough is enough" and handle things by themselves, just fine. We're just sorry they waited so long! When they're ready and fight for their own liberty, when the time comes, America will be here - ready to help. We're not going anywhere. As our President says, we love the Cuban people!
Regarding our lifting of the embargo....yeah, sorry, once again that's not gonna happen Felipe. Nice try though! Given your actions with Russia in the past and your poorly timed "floor show" with Chavez recently, I'm sorry, you just have to learn that there's consequences when you keep pulling on the Lion's tail!! But don't loose hope, I figure you'll have to wait about 10 minutes after Hillary's inauguration for the embargo to "officially" go away. But who knows, maybe we'll get real lucky up here and your socialist sister won't get elected!
Well, one can always pray though, ain't that right?
Best regards Felipe!
"That thriving democracy to your North"
Viva Cuba Libre!
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