Monday, October 22, 2007

Frighteningly "Normal" Behavior for our American Judiciary!

Last Saturday, a New York law firm representing two convicted death row inmates in Kentucky, won a delay in the execution of its two defendants because (as their brief indicates) ..........
  • lethal injection procedures used by Kentucky...the inmates say, creates the risk of pain severe enough to be cruel and unusual punishment, banned by the Eighth Amendment.
This latest of victory in the "ban capital punishment" debate, virtually guarantees than no other convicted death row inmates in the country will be executed, until the United States Supreme Court rules on the challenge.

[In 1589 or 1590 Shakespeare wrote "Henry VI," in which is said, "First, let's kill all the lawyers!" ]

So many "exclamations" leap to mind, I don't know where to begin!
  • Let me try the Tom Cruise "glib" approach first......."It's an EXECUTION stupid! We're not putting the boys down for "nappy-time!" (If that's not glib - I don't care).
  • When someone is being "put to death" for crimes against society - should we really be concerned about their "risk of pain?"
  • Millions of beloved family pets are "humanely" euthanized each year..... being "put to sleep" is probably the most humane 'remedy' these miscreants deserve. Ask Dr. Jack!
  • Did they once worry about the pain and suffering of their victims as they were M-U-R-D-E-R-I-N-G them?
  • Have they worried about their victims' families during all this time, as the years and appeals grind by?
So society's "punishment" for "maintaining our civility" is that we must house, clothe, feed, ward, and minister, to the needs & wants of these savages for the rest of their lives? Hmmm???

Obviously this is just my opinion but... this entire argument (in deference to those august legal minds who have pondered it), is so preposterously incongruous, so contrary to the general tenets of society, I find it beyond comprehension! That society, (which include the victim's loved ones), should be made to relinquish one iota - one iota - of ANYTHING to convicted murderers, is simply beyond comprehension, and unfairly asks too much from society! Society must speak for the victims!

In medicine if you have a "boil," you lance it - if you have a tumor you excise it - you cut it out, you remove it from the body. Murderers are a malignancy on the body of society, they need to be cut out. There is no emotion attached to a surgeon's cutting out of a tumor - it simply must be done to save the patient!

If you feel that's too harsh, if you have no heart to take their lives - even though they have taken the lives of others' - then "mark" them (to protect other parts of society), and set them adrift in the middle of the ocean - put them in a small round "coracle" with one oar, a pair of shorts and a gallon of water. That's more than they did for their victims.

Then turn away from them - society has spoken.

Dum Spiro Spero!


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