9000 APPOINTEES + Supreme Court Justices !!!
Baracka Hussein Obama would tell you that he only had "passing associations" with the following people.... Bernardine Dohrn & William Ayers of the Weather Underground.... anti-American Reverend Jeremiah Wright & anti-American Priest Father Flager.... or convicted Chicago real estate mogul and Democratic fund raiser Tony Rezko.
Obama says he was friendly with these folks only years ago, and never knew of their "nefarious" sides.
Would you or I consider this "questionable or dangerous" lapses of judgment? Well, even if we believe His explanation, do we want a person who has had that bad a stretch of choosing acquaintances to be responsible for making over 9000 appointments to governmental posts and potentially 4 Supreme Court Justices starting this January???
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Hi. Many of you know that I'm a constitutional conservative. As such, you can pretty much figure that I'll support those candidates and policies that protect the Constitution and the "representative Republic" our Founders ratified in 1789.
Not enough people read my blog at http://avenue-of-rememberance.blogspot.com/ that I could ever reach enough people to think I could sway an election. I know that. So, the only thing I can do is send this to you folks and ASK that you send it to at least a dozen more people with the same request, hoping that you'll get at least one more person to vote for the McCain/Palin ticket on Election Day.
Personally - I'm very frightened!!! Because many people are telling me they now feel like there's no way to defeat "the Messiah Obama" with the mainstream media and ACORN stuffing the ballot boxes for him...so they're not even going to vote! (Thanks to Louis Farrakhan for "the Messiah" reference).
First off... that way of thinking is a GUARANTEE that Obama will win! And that's just what the DNC, the Liberal Press & media outlets, as well as ACORN are trying to do - demoralize you so you won't vote! You've got to get out there and VOTE for McCain/Palin in order to defeat them!
Here are just a few more simple reasons to get as many of your family and friends to vote for McCain/Palin on Election Day.
- Senator Obama has already said he will spent over a TRILLION dollars on NEW programs during his first term in office. In an Obama You Tube message in early October, and again as late as yesterday it was announced that the House Democrats seek to cut at least 25% of the military budgets. WHERE'S OBAMA GOING TO GET ALL THAT MONEY I WONDER, and HOW DOES THAT KEEP OUR NATION SAFE???
- Do you feel confident having as The Commander-In-Chief of our Armed Forces, a person who states that our soldiers in Iraq have killed and terrorized innocent women and children? A person who had to be "called" for not wearing an American flag lapel-pin, nor covering his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance. A person who has CONSISTENTLY been against any of our military efforts to fight islamo-terrorism. A person who has CONSISTENTLY voted against our nations' military and the funding of our troops. HOW WILL THIS PERSON LEAD AND PROTECT OUR ARMED FORCES IN THIS DANGEROUS WORLD???
- Democrats are good people, just like Republicans - but there are some fundamental differences. Democrats believe that having the Federal government solve all our problems is how to get the job done. They do that by growing the government and adding more departments to the already bloated mess in Washington. There's only one thing that growing the government does - IT ONLY ASSURES HIGHER TAXES, an even BIGGER BUREAUCRACY, and you and me having LESS of what we work for! DO YOU WANT TO HAVE HIGHER TAXES AND LESS OF WHAT YOU CURRENTLY HAVE???
- Senator Obama told you and me and "Joe the Plumber" last week, that the way our country works best is "WHEN WE SPREAD THE WEALTH AROUND." I hope you all know He's talking about spreading YOURS & MY wealth around - NOT His and Michelle's!!! You and I already work until June before we start earning money for our families, DO YOU WANT TO WORK LONGER AND PAY FOR OTHER'S AS WELL???
- FACT: 40% of our population DOESN'T PAY TAXES. Senator Obama says he won't raise taxes on the lowest paid 95% of Americans. Two questions here.... Where is He going to get all the money He's going to need if ONLY 60% of US are supporting 100% of US? And, how do the 11 to 20 million ILLEGAL ALIENS figure into Senator Obama's tax program???
- In the last three weeks we've seen the "partial" government take-over of our BANKING industry & our MORTGAGE industry. Senator Obama also wants to take-over our HEALTH CARE industry. By "dictating" how we do our banking, who can get mortgages and for how much, and what kind of healthcare we MUST have... is there any doubt that we are MARCHING toward SOCIALISM? IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT FOR YOUR COUNTRY & YOUR CHILDREN's COUNTRY???
- ACORN is where Senator Obama did all the "community organizing" he's so proud of when he was starting out. He was so good at 'getting out the vote' he became the lead trainer for ACORN's voter registration efforts. Subsequently they rewarded him by naming him as their lawyer. That's all well and good. Now ACORN has been caught coordinating ILLEGAL early voter registration drives in 14 battleground states, and the Obama Campaign admits giving ACORN $823,000.00 for "voter registration efforts!" (One fellow even admitted on camera that he had been registered over 70 times and was paid in money and cigarettes.) HOW CAN WE TRUST ANY OF THE MILLIONS OF ACORN BALLOTS THAT HAVE BEEN CAST???
- IF Senator Obama is elected, there will be 4 people running this country for the next 4 years. They are...Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid.
Kenneth A. Johnson
Long Valley, NJ 07853
Email: bigeasy@comcast.net
BlogSpot: http://avenue-of-rememberance.blogspot.com/