Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Baracka - "the dancer"

A couple of weeks before the last debate I wrote to the McCain Campaign and offered the attached idea for a speech. I didn't do it because I think of myself as a great speaker or a great writer, but because I felt there was such a need for McCain to hit on all these points before the American public in a short closing or opening statement.

Would you be surprised to hear that I didn't hear from the campaign? I didn't - and I guess I'm not.

I was also not shocked to see that Senator McCain failed to key into some amazingly important issues while he sat face-to-face with the junior Senator. Frankly, it appeared to me that McCain was being "too nice" to someone who clearly doesn't have a detailed grasp of the most important issues. (But then again, perhaps McCain was getting tired of being called a racist by the Obama camp.)

My take on the outcome of the debates was that McCain did much better in the last two than in the first one, but that at best he fought Obama to a "draw." Ergo, since Obama is the frontrunner, that means McCain lost the debates. And perhaps McCain also lost one of his last opportunities to reach out to a vast cross-section of the American people. A shame.

Obama proved that he is winning on his looks, his oration, and his slickness. BHO is proving to be a better "dancer" than Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly! I believe that in this entire campaign Obama has neither been asked - nor has he come close to answering - a tough question. If anything, this guy is even "slicker" than "slick Willy." I still have an amazing number of questions that he should answer, but the press and the libs will never allow them to be asked....

And just wait, a year after his inauguration, everyone will be complaining about increased taxes, and problems arising from not being able to get to a doctor for 6 months, and their dwindling pension accounts, and he'll say...."Don't worry little children, it's better when we spread the wealth around to everybody. Remember, I'm from the government - and your government is here to help!"

Dum Spiro Spero!!

My Fellow Americans,

Tonight I want to talk to you not as a Republican or a Democrat, but as an American. Throughout this campaign

you've listened as my opponent has repeatedly told you about his desire to change the future of this country.

Think about what he's told you for a momentevery time he's told you about the need for change, he's done so from

the point of view that there's something wrong with this country. Regardless of whether it's national security, housing, education, taxes, energy, the environment, or international relations, our young Senator approaches every issue from

the standpoint of what's wrong with America, rather than what we do right!

His campaign has cast continual aspersions upon the current President & administration, while the rest of the

world – and our enemies – listened! The Bush administration, whose whole plan for their time in the Oval Office was

irrevocably changed on September 11, 2001… whose entire Presidency had to be realigned toward protecting our

country from subsequent terrorist attacks, and fighting the war on terrorism around the world, rather than what they

had originally planned.

When you think about it, Senator Obama's entire 18-month campaign has been centered upon all the things he sees

wrong with this country, rather than the many wonderful things about this country that make it so right! He and his party leadership, have asked you to believe that all Democrats ideas are right and all Republican ideas are wrongAll the time!

This is the same party who dropped the ball in overseeing the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac organizations, and wants to

change the best medical industry in the world into a government run socialized institution.

How any one person can see only the downside of a country that has given him so much is beyond my comprehension.

With less than 200 actual days spent in the Senate, and with a record of voting "present" 90% of the time, Senator

Obama has asked you to place the future of your country in his hands. Without ever having lead, managed, or defended anything during his lifetime, he is asking you to place the safety of your children, your grandchildren, and your

homeland in his hands.

Think about the differences between us for a moment. Where I've lead and defended, Senator Obama has organized. Where I've taken a stand and molded bipartisan successes, Senator Obama has voted "present."

Perhaps Senator Clinton said it best, "I know Senator McCain has a lifetime of experience he will bring to the White

House. And Senator Obama has a speech he gave in 2002."

My friends, I am not seeking to be the next Republican President, or the next Democrat President, I am running to be

the next American President. My faith, my honor, my background, and my accomplishments are squarely focused upon

serving ALL the American people, and the American ideal. I have proven to be an honorable servant who reaches beyond political party to get the job done for all Americans, not just liberal Americans, or white Americans…ALL Americans.

If you join with me, I can promise you that we will build on the strength of our shared American successes, and walk together into a bright and glorious, optimistic future.


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