Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Gwen Ifill's "Claim to Fame"

Like many of you, I will be glued to my television set tomorrow night to watch the Vice Presidential Debate between Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Sarah Palin.

You might not have heard that Gwen Ifill is "moderating" the debate from Cleveland, Ohio. I was a bit shocked when I heard that she would be moderating the 90 minute debate. Gwen is a known liberal supporter from "way back." And when she appears on various Sunday news programs, she is always, always introduced as the Democratic supporter.

I thought debate moderators were supposed to be "impartial?"
(At least that's what I was taught "way back" in High School!)

Oh yeah, one more thing about you didn't know that she has a new book written, edited, and ready to go to press. Just needs one more fact to fall into line. It is scheduled to be released and sold for the first time on....(wait for it)......January 20th, 2009. That's right...Inauguration Day!

The title???? Nothing flashy. You be the judge. It's "Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama".

" the Age of Obama."

Imagine that. A Senator for less than 150 days. No foreign experience. No leadership experience. Never fought for his country, and even sits on company boards with a fellow who unapologetically bombed our country killing 2 people. Not even elected yet! And yet, they're already giving him his own "Age."

His own age mind you!
I thought "ages" were reserved for Pharaoh's and Caesar's?

There you have it, Gwen Ifill, middle-of-the-road moderator and impartial King maker!

And Liberals say the MEDIA & PRESS are not in the jug for Obama!! PUL - LEEEEEEEZE!!!

Dum Spiro Spero!

("If you tell a big enough lie, and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." - Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister)

Kenneth A. Johnson


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