One of these is not like the others!
Dear Friends,
Dum Spiro Spero!
Not only a special avenue on one of our most historic college campuses...but also a phrase that embraces my thoughts on the America I grew up with, and the world around us. A 'walk' down this avenue may make you think; stir your patriotism; may question the logic of "the establishment"...or may just give both of us a place to "vent." Let's take a walk!
Dear Friends,
Dum Spiro Spero!
I mean, looking at the faces of the folks in the audiences - they're loving it too! It's sort of the same crowd reaction we saw when they showed pictures of the crowds of kids at a Beatles concert back in the 60's! Or a New Kids on the Block concert in the early 90's, or a Hoobastank concert last year! Oh yeah, Barack and Hillary are the rock-stars of this campaign year. (Our guy McCain comes in somewhere around Frank Sinatra or Tony Bennett!)
This was all decided back in the early 80's when the Dems decided that they could no longer let the selection of their nominee be controlled by something as ill-informed as the popular vote of their constituents. Oh no! Tired of loosing the White House to Republicans, the party bosses voted to create something called a "SUPER DELEGATE".
Massachusetts: WINNER - Hillary. Superdelagates: Kennedy & Kerry backing Obama heavily!
New Mexico: WINNER - Hillary. Superdelagate Bill Richardson defected from Clinton camp and is supporting Obama. Now called "Judas" by the snake-head Carville.
Basically what you folks haven't been told is that your superdelagates outweigh your personal vote by over 5000%!
My question to you is...are you getting any of this?
We learned this a long time ago Dems....when you all were out to get Dick Nixon.