Sunday, March 30, 2008

One of these is not like the others!

Dear Friends,
I've been thinking about writing this piece for a long time.
And I admit that even as I consider sending it, I'm torn because I really don't want to offend anyone. You see I do have African American friends, and I do have female friends...and I'd be greatly saddened if I lost even one of those dear good folks.
Our country is facing a CRISIS. Our country is facing the very real possibility of being changed forever.
There are people on the Left, who want to CHANGE our representative Republic, into a COLLECTIVE. Simply put, the Left in this country wants to move the United States of America closer to - if not into - SOCIALISM.
Don't believe me? OK. What is it called when government takes care of every facet of your life? What is it called when what you earn is divided among the rest of the country who doesn't make what you earn through taxation? What is it called when government decides your medical benefits, and what your children are taught in school?What's it called?
That's socialism folks - pure and simple.
And that's what the Left wants for this country. I don't care whether you call it social democracy or the nanny state - it's SOCIALISM. And once we're there - we're screwed. Goodbye freedom, goodbye democracy, hello comrades!
So now I invite you to play that simple game we all played when we were kids. It's called, "One of these is not like the others!" (Just a hint.....the correct answer has nothing to do with their gender or their race or ethnic I hope none of my friends is offended).
Enjoy the game and PLEASE remember it on Election day in November.

(NOTE: If for some reason the pictures did not come through, you can still play! Left to right the pictures are of Karl Marx, Hillary Clinton, Vladimir Lenin, Barack Obama, and John McCain).

Dum Spiro Spero!


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