Choose what you'll loose November 7th.
If you're thinking of not voting this coming election day take a minute and read this. Hopefully I'll give you some food for thought. Because when it comes right down to it, You choose, what you'll loose.
It's pretty simple really...this coming election day, as always, you have a choice to vote for whichever candidate you want to represent you in Congress.
Once you close that curtain, no one can tell you (or see) which lever to pull - which button to push - or which ballot line to mark. Not your dopey husband, your wonderful wife, your kids, your in-laws, your parents, your sisters or brothers, your boss, your neighbors - NO BODY! Once you close that curtain neither FoxNews, NewsMax, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN or Aljazeera can influence the vote you will cast for yourself, your children & your grandchildren.
It's just you and that voting booth.
If you vote Democratic: (Ergo, the Democrats win control of the House & Senate)
- Any tax cuts you have received will be repealed
- The Patriot Act will be rescinded
- Detained terrorists (Gitmo & around the world) will have the same rights as United States citizens
- Funding for the War on Terror will be halted
- U.S. military will be removed from Iraq, opening the country to Islamic Fundamentalism
- Fundamentalist Islamic states will be appeased & negotiated with
- North Korea will be directly negotiated with (instead of the 6 country talks in Kyoto Accords)
- State and Federal Judges will increase legislation from the bench (No longer a need for you to vote!)
- Increased border protection will take a back-seat to legislated amnesty for millions of illegal aliens
- John Conyers will begin impeachment hearings against the President & Vice President, making Nancy Pelosi third in line for the Presidency.
- War against terrorism will continue until Afghani and Iraqi governments & militaries are strong enough to take over
- Islamic Fascists will find it harder to destroy freedom started in Afghanistan & Iraq
- North Korea held in check
- Iran will be closely scrutinized
- Continued vigilance will prevent terrorists attacks on U.S. soil (5 years and counting!)
- Another 2 years to strengthen borders before 2008 Presidential election
- Two more years of a growing economy, and low unemployment.
Now personally, I believe that neither party in Congress has done a very good job. (The Democrats have been totally obstructionist - and the Republicans haven't lead the way they could/should have). But when the choices for a safe future for me and my family are between a party hell-bent upon liberalizing our country - through socialization, appeasement and military weakness; or the other who's continued use of military force has protected us from terrorist attacks here at home since 2001...well I guess I'd rather be safe and labeled a "cowboy," than weak and labeled a "target."
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