Sunday, October 01, 2006

Bob Woodward's War with Conservatives.

With everything else we need to digest these days, last Friday brought the third book about the Bush Presidency from Bob Woodward. The book is entitled "State of Denial."

During the writing of his previous two books, Woodward had been pretty fair on his Republican foe's in office. (Was this a calculated ploy? Is my conservative paranoia showing?) I guess because of his earlier treatment, the White House this time instructed senior members to give him access and sit for interviews. (Donald Rumsfeld being the smartest of the bunch by not agreeing to do so). Two words spring to mind regarding the White House 'take' on the subject....naive and "set-up."

Naive: because unlike me (who is trying but failing miserably to give liberals an even break) the White House didn't see the "wolf in Woodward clothing" laying an ambush for them.
Set-up: because while his previous two books did relatively well in sales, I can easily see Woodward setting the trap in his two previous publications, so that he'd receive unfettered access this time, and he'd be able to spring his ambush right before the midterm elections. (It's not paranoia if they really are out to get you!)

Bob Woodward, IMHO....wants to ride off into his personal sunset being able to claim that he brought down one Republican administration, and significantly hamstrung another. I group Woodward with the likes of Dan Rather, Chris Matthew's, Michael Moore, and Arianna Huffington....rapacious liberals who will never pass up a chance to slander our conservative President....usually from the comforts of their multi-million dollar homes, or while lauding the efforts of Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, and Bill & Hill.

Newsweek's cover story in the October 9th. issue, excerpts "State of Denial" and has Woodward describing President Bush as "incurious & clueless;" SecDef Rumsfeld as "bullying & petty;" and SecState Condoleezza Rice as "whining, and a pathetic figure."

I guess I shouldn't have expected anything more from either Newsweek or Woodward. But since the gloves are apparently coming off, I just hope that conservative pundits respond in kind. I know I will.

Dum Spiro Spero


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