The Election - What I've been thinking about.......
A few of my liberal friends have written me since Election Day to gloat (2) and to ask if I've finished mourning (3).
All of them asked me to finally "admit" that Barack Obama's election was "a great day for America and Americans."
My quick answer to them could be "not so fast," but I imagine I would be the one asking questions and gloating if my side had been victorious! Better to give the victor his spoils ..... for now.
To use a phrase that our new President-elect is fond of........."Here's.... (dramatic pause for effect).... what I know."
Barack Obama is the President-elect of the United States of America. He will be my President come January 20th. even though I supported the other fella. As such, I'd be willing to take a bullet for President Obama, just as I'd be willing to take a bullet for any American President, (except one). In addition, this election once again proves to the rest of the world that a free Constitutional Republic, is without question, the most stable form of government. A Free Market Democracy is the single, most amazing, perpetuating "engine" the world has ever seen. The successful election and orderly transfer of power is what scares the absolute crap out of our enemies - both at home and abroad.
This historic election of the first black American President, does make me proud. There is the feeling I have that at least another portion of "the old ghosts" my generation grew up with, are gone from the American scene. I was heartened to see that so many white Americans voted for Obama. I'm sincerely happy about that. (I think I read where 70% of single white women voted for Obama....which could also be interpreted - I suppose - that John McCain just didn't have the sex appeal necessary to be President). Suffice it to say that I have already said my prayer for Barack and his family, that he has a successful Presidency, and that he governs smartly justly & Constitutionally.
I have not been heartened by Obama's initial selections for posts in his administration. I thought Obama promised to be the candidate of change? Last week the early "tally sheet" indicated that 31 of his first slew of appointments had been for "re-treads" from the Clinton Administration. And a few of them were for some of the most notoriously militant liberals. That's not change we can believe in - that's a return to a disgraced & besmirched era in the American Presidency! I would have thought that Obama's transition team was much smarter than that.
Additionally, I've been troubled by what has become a daily "deification" of our President-elect. I've heard news anchors, politicians (Democrats), show-biz celebrities, and even some average citizens interviewed on the street, extolling the virtues and singing the praises of Barack Obama. Many times the phrase, "he's here to save us" has been used in all its different variations.
Here's a news flash folks....Barack Obama is not "our savior." That job is already taken, and required the successful applicant to have died for all our sins, and call "The Big Man Upstairs" Daddy!!
And another thing.....don't you think it might be a good idea to give the guy a chance to get into the Oval Office at least for one day before you start screaming that he is the reincarnation of George Washington, Abe Lincoln, FDR and Frederick Douglas all rolled into one??? Please let's all take a deep breath. Let the man g-o-v-e-r-n for a while. Let him find his own "voice" for that most difficult of offices. He's got such a weight upon him....don't overburden him with all these expectations.
My promise to our newly elected President, and his wife, is that I will vocally support you when I am in agreement with you decisions, and that I will vocally disagree with you when I oppose your decisions. Further, I will always respect the Office and Position that you hold. That is much more - very much more - than the way the Democrat party, you & your campaign, and the Press have treated President George W. Bush these last 8 years.
Dum Spiro Spero!
Kenneth A. Johnson