Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"Stuck on Stupid"

"Stuck on Stupid" is a great old expression, isn't it? I chuckle every time I hear it, or use it.
It's especially important to political conversations because it fits so well... arguments from both sides, pundits on both sides, and of course - - the other guy's chosen candidate!

A couple of current examples.........

Ever need proof that the mainstream media is rooting hard for Barack Obama to win the Presidential race???
Hmmm........ George W. Bush wraps up the GOP nomination in 2004, and goes off to the middle east for two weeks to meet with our allies and his military Generals. CBS news covers the entire trip using 10 seconds of air time and 38 words.

During the last 6 years John McCain has traveled to the Afghani and Iraqi war zones 8 times. On the Network news shows there's a daily "smattering of coverage," usually followed by the latest casualty report, or Nancy Pelosi stating to the world press that, "this war is lost!" (Regardless of whether we're kicking somebody's ass!)

Barack Hussein Obama goes to the middle east for the first time after 900 some odd days of war, and immediately the 3 major networks send their Prime Time News Anchors along for the trip in addition to production teams and technical staffs. The major networks cover Barack Obama's movements around the middle east as though -- well, as though "the Messiah" has finally returned to the Holy Land! (It's like a Cecil B. DeMille production for Christ sakes!) While on the same day as "Savior Obama" is meeting with Prince Abdullah, John McCain is photoed in black & white looking very old and frowning in a golf cart with George Bush Sr.

So.....if you still maintain that the mainstream media networks (CBS, NBC, ABC), or the liberal print media is impartial concerning the upcoming election..........well, (hehehe) you're stuck on stupid.

Want another example? OK. Al Gore is still going around the world in his big private jet, pleading with anyone who will listen that Global Warming is going to kill all of us, unless we stop emitting green house gases and stop using carbon. Harry Reid is on television holding up his hands exclaiming that "oil is bad for you; coal is bad for you. It makes you sick." Meanwhile all around the world, hundreds and hundreds of scientists are categorically refuting Gore's Global Warming thesis and calling it what it truly is...a load of CRAP! To the point where every claim made by Al Gore in his "Inconvenient Truth" movie has been proven FALSE! Most recently, David Evans, the scientist who wrote Australia's carbon accounting model and spent six years making sure that Australia was in full compliance with the Kyoto Protocol, said that in 1999 evidence was "sketchy" that CO2 emissions caused global warming. But because the scientific community "had the ear" of governments, they went ahead with their sketchy disclosures. Today David Evans says, "There is no evidence to support the idea that carbon emissions cause significant global warming. None." Still believe Al Gore is a saint, and Global Warming is a boogie man we need to spend billions of dollars a year on ????

Dear Nobel Committee, Al Gore a Nobel Laureate??? Here's a phrase you should get to know...."Stuck on Stupid!" Signed, "Not a Fan."

Last example......It's often said that in an election people cast their vote "in their best interest." Meaning, that they vote for the person the they believe will do the best for the things that effect them the most. Not in this election!!! Many times if I ask someone why they favor Barack Obama, they'll say "Well, he's for change and I like that!" When you ask them to name an accomplishment of Obama's they say, as a community activist he's fought for change and given soo many people hope for the future. But they can't name anything specific...."he's for hope and change" is about the best they can do.

Well, Barack Obama has flat out stated that he's going to raise taxes on the rich. During the last month I've proven to you that if you and your spouse "are a teacher and a cop" (or any combination of titles making over $100,000 annually) Barack considers you part of the "rich" that are going to be taxed. In addition, Savior Obama has also said he's going to raise taxes on Company's. Well, we should all know by now that Company's will just raise the prices to consumers when that happens, so...we get taxed again!

From his own mouth, Barack has told you what to expect during his Presidency. Remember this quote from one of his primary speeches? "My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join we me as we try to change it! " So, if we're casting our votes for a candidate who admits we are in the best country in the history of the world, but wants to change it; who admits that his ideas for this country include raising our taxes more than they are now;


Dum Spiro Spero!


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