Saturday, June 28, 2008

What we can't know

I have to wonder what das Liberal party is going to run on this fall.............

It's difficult to talk about their candidate because his "platform" for the last year has consisted of two words - hope & change!

I can't talk about their candidate's wife or what she's said, now or in the past - this from a guy who wants to teach us that "words matter."

I can't talk about his first name, his middle name, nor his last name - this from the party who never missed an opportunity to scream about "James Danforth Quayle!"

Neither can I talk about the "things" that make all of us who we are. What makes Barry, Barack ....or Barack, Barry

.....nor about Barack's dad
.....nor about his beliefs
.....nor about his mother or grandmother

We can't ask about his childhood education,

.....nor about his college life
.....nor about his working life after college
.....nor about his relationship with Reverend Jeremiah Wright and what he heard during those 20 years in the pews. (What concerns me is what those two adorable daughters might have heard while they were seated in those pews from that minister.) Words certainly do matter Barack! "You've got to be carefully taught!"

I can't talk about his relationship with unrepentant Weather Underground bomber Bill Ayers or why Barack had to visit Ayers at his home in Chicago before he started out in politics.

I can't question Barack about what he's said in the pages of his books....because that was so long ago, and he's too busy focusing on the future.

I can't bring up his admitted past drug use or why he doesn't feel that's important today?

I can't ask him about his real estate dealings with Tony Revco.

I can't ask him if he thinks it's fair his wife's salary was raised to over $310,000 annually the same week he started as in Congress? (And she still thinks America is a mean place!)

I can't ask him to get specific on where he's going to find all the money he'll need to fund his OVER $1.25 TRILLION dollars in increased spending plans.

I can't ask him about his vaunted "governing" experience - all 146 days - he spent in the Senate before deciding to run for the Presidency.

I can't ask him any of these things. And if I do, I'm "branded" a racist! I'm scum...simply because I have the temerity to ask questions of someone who wants to become the leader of my country! I'm a racist!

So I wonder what das Liberals are going to run on this fall???? Oh yeah .... HOPE & CHANGE.

(Here's some hope & change for you ....."I HOPE he doesn't try to dig the CHANGE out of my pockets too ....'cause that's all that's left! There's your hope & change!)




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