Saturday, May 24, 2008

Re: Feinstein's Insult to Injury!

Dear Rich,
(I wouldn't have included all of these other folks in my reply, but since you did I feel obliged to have them read my response to your note.)

I love you big guy!! You are the one "Lib" I actually like to hear from.
Before I turn to your note, most importantly - to you and your family - enjoy this MEMORIAL DAY holiday, and please, thank a Veteran for fighting for your right to rail against this country every chance you get.

( to start?)
Only a "true liberal" could take my blog posting deploring Dianne Feinstein's underhanded attempt to "backdoor" amnesty for 1.9 million illegal aliens, and turn it into a diatribe against President George W. Bush and the government! Just like Liberals always do, you don't address Feinstein's Amnesty skullduggery, you flop the issue over to tearing down the country, this administration, and President Bush!

Rich, I don't think I've ever seen clearer evidence of BDS!
[Clinical note: "BDS" or Bush Derangement Syndrome has increased dramatically in the liberal population ever since the election of 2000. Many psychological & medical practitioners believe BDS had its beginnings during the late 60's and early 70's, and, like other virus's BDS has lain dormant in liberal brainstems until now. "BDS" is manifested by verbal hatred & increasingly irrational charges against President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and of course, Halliburton and all profitable American companies.]

You know Rich... I could write back to you for hours about how the constant undermining of this President and the Country by the Liberals, has caused irreparable harm to America's status in the world, emboldened our enemies, and caused the deaths of American service men & women. But as a liberal you'd only reply that it was George Bush's fault.

I could point out to you that, (as you put it), "our country has a short tolerance for war" - has only been a true statement since the Vietnam War and The War against Terrorism. Prior to Vietnam, America's "tolerance" for war while always painful and difficult, has always been unwavering! Our support is reaffirmed every Memorial Day as we honor the more than one million fallen military hero's of this country's wars. Rather than use your words, I'd change them to, "Liberals have a short tolerance for war and are invested in the defeat of America at home and abroad." As a liberal you'd reply that George Bush & Dick Cheney are war criminals and should be tried for war crimes!

Last two comments, I promise.....

Since you brought up what the Libs call "Bush's War" I'm compelled to respond to an issue Liberals ALWAYS conveniently fail to tell the American public. During the four years America fought our Civil War, America lost almost 500,000 soldiers. During 1917 & 1918, (the 2 years we were involved in the First World War) we lost over 110,000 service men & women. From 1940 through 1945 during our involvement in WWII, America lost over 400,000 service men & women. That's more than a million of our Nation's total war casualties in a little more than 11 years - so, rather than Americans having a short tolerance for war as you put it, I'd say that in the past Americans proudly served in the military and American families proudly & publicly supported the military and Our President, and understood the possible consequences.

Unfortunately, since Vietnam it hasn't been "fashionable" to show national pride or national strength. The Left has managed to make people think it's a bad thing to use the full weight of our unleashed military against an enemy during war time. We have to fight a humanitarian war. (Pardon me...) but what kind of shit is this?

We are fighting an enemy that takes civilian airliners and flies them into civilian office buildings. These are the same people who travel from one country to another in order to shoot at us while surrounded by women & children...who abduct civilian contractors and reporters and cut their heads off on television while calling out the name of their Deity. BUT... Americans must be held to a higher standard, and must fight a more civilized war! Let me end my first point by asking...what kind of war do you think the families of our heroic 4000+ war dead would want us to fight? I'll bet'cha Rich that if we had fought an unfettered, all out war from September 12th, we'd have ended this a lot sooner, and with a lot fewer casualties. And the World would have understood that America may have just awakened from its stupor! But as a liberal you'd just say George Bush was to blame.

The last point, but the same point I use whenever talking about Immigration is... I will be the first person in line to welcome any immigrant who obeys the law and comes to this country the same way my parents or my wife's family came to it. Unfortunately there are "lines" in life, put there to make all of us "wait our turn." If you can't understand that, if you can't "wait your turn" like everyone is expected to do...then, when I catch you breaking the first law this country asks you to obey, I'm going to lock your ass up until I can ship your ass back to the country you came from!! And this includes you "anchor baby," (fruit from the tainted tree) so to speak.

To all of you "reading in" on this message... Rich is a great friend of mine. I cherish his opinions and his friendship. We've known each other for many years and have always bantered back and forth about politics and issues. I like to think of Rich as my Robert F. Kennedy - and I'd like to think of myself as his William F. Buckley....although he probably thinks of me more like "a deranged old uncle you only see at holidays!"

Dum Spiro Spero!!


Blogger john said...

I noticed you were too embarrased to list you home state. Using Shelby Foote quote as a guide it must surely be South Carolina or something closely akin. "Too small to be a Republic and too large to be an insane asylum,"

12:36 PM  
Blogger "Duty Bound" said...

Dear John,
Thanks for commenting on my blog piece....glad you read it. Sorry I couldn't respond sooner but I drive a truck, long haul and don't get as much time on the PC as I used to.

I guess I was laboring under the notion that blog authors didn't publish their addresses and such along with their postings. Maybe I'm wrong.

There's no embarrasssment here...My home state is New Jersey and my home is on top of Schooley's Mountain in the northwestern section of the state.

Interesting that you should mention South Son's memorial stone sits immediately across from the Library on the Avenue of Rememberance of The Citadel, in Charleston SC. Hence the name of my blog site.

Here's another wonderful quote-this one by Robert E. Lee. "Duty, the sublimest word in the English language." Are you personally familiar with the concept John?

Looking forward to your next compelling scribble!


10:06 AM  

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