Monday, May 26, 2008

Thinking on Memorial Day..........

Something one of my good friends said to me the other day kept running around in my head.....obviously there's a lot of space up there unencumbered by brains ... so it had a very long run!

Here it is..... "We support our troops, but not the war!" This comment is usually made to cover up some anti-American or anti-military comment or action they've taken. I've heard it a lot recently, so I tried to think back to when I first started hearing it.

The strange thing is, I first started hearing it only a few of months after the September 11th attacks. Immediately following the collapse of the Twin Towers it seemed that everyone here in the United States and even most people around the world were four square behind any military actions America would take. But those feelings didn't last.

Sure enough, within 6 months I can remember hearing a morning drive time radio commentator on WABC condemning the war. Oh sure he praised the valiant efforts of our troops but condemned the cause they were fighting. At the time I only thought it was his ACLU/communist training kicking in - but it got worse and spread remarkably fast.

And during the last 5 years of fighting I've watched as the condemnation and rancor against our military has grown ever more strident and even violent. But people on the Left always keep intoning that same line .... We support our troops, but not the war!" I can remember Senator Joe Liebermann imploring/reminding all of us that during war time, our differences must stop "at the waters edge" - while at virtually the same time Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid were calling the war a lost cause and claiming that President Bush was culpable for the loss of the war!!!

Can any of you forget Senator John Kerry lying in 2006, (as he did during Vietnam), when he said that our military men had been sneaking into the homes of innocent Iraqi citizens under the cover of darkness to terrorize them? Or when Senator Ted (Chappaquiddick) Kennedy intoned that Abu Gharib prison was simply "under new management?" Or when either on the news, or in the papers you heard someone in the Press say, this war is lost and we shouldn't be there!

"We support our troops, but not the war!" Did any of you stop to think for one moment about the absurdity of that statement?

The next time someone says that to me, "We support our troops, but not the war," I'm going to ask them to explain how that works?

I'm really a mental midget so someone stop me when I get too far down the logic line here ..... Does anyone remember a line of a song that goes, "You can't have one without the other?" Seems to me our comment fits pretty well.

If you're for the war, you have to support the mechanisms of war ... ie. the weapons & troops that fight the war.
If you're for the war, but don't support the weapons & troops .... you're either a liar or a complete imbecile trying to loose your country.
If you're against the war, you can't be for the mechanisms of war ... ie. the weapons & troops that fight the war.

If you're against the war, why would you want to incur the expense of sustaining a military? Are you just stupid or what? Why would you pay to support troops if you're against the war? Are you mental?

Maybe I've just figured it out - or at least maybe I've figured out what to do in the future when someone uses that line on's this"

"We support our troops, but not the war!"

Reply ...."Don't whizz in my ear, and tell me it's raining!"

Makes about as much sense....and makes me feel a whole lot better too!

Dum Spiro Spero!!


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