Republican National Committee "Census Questionaire"
Dear Friends,
Sorry for not blogging as much as I have in the past, but my time in the truck is getting longer as the days do! I'll try to keep on top of things...hope you'll all understand.
This past week I got my annual Republican National Committee "Census" questionnaire. Before someone who's reading this gets the wrong impression, this is not an important document. This is just one of the "annual" mailings I get from the RNC designed to make the recipient (that's me) think the RNC (that's them) actually cares what they are thinking. The sad part is that the RNC couldn't care less about what the average republican voter thinks. This is just another way for them to ask for another contribution. I get a donation request in one form or another about every two months, and sometimes more often...especially in election years.
What I "feel" about the RNC and how they've mismanaged the party of Lincoln and Reagan can't really be written about - even in the open forum of the blogosphere! Suffice it to say it is my belief that the RNC couldn't have "crippled" the Republican cause worse if they were named Kennedy, Reid, Pelosi, Schumer, Clinton or Kerry!!
All of you have heard my previous "rants" about how the Republicans in Congress lost the majority, and basically threw the Bush Presidency "under the bus" nearly 7 years ago. I won't bore you reiterating it - nor aggravate myself reliving it! But when I get a piece of mail from the RNC asking for my money, disguised as a survey document and telling me "how important my views are....," well, this morning I sort of lost it!
So after filling out their form, I hand wrote and signed and affixed the following note to their "Census Document." They'll probably never read it....but if they open the envelope and shake it, maybe they'll see it and give it the once over. I can only hope! Here it is.......
Dear RNC,
You never listen, so I don't know why I'm bothering to write - maybe just this one last time.
I stopped writting and contributing in 2003 after you started doing nothing as a party and ultimately lost the majority in Congress. You didn't even hammer through President Bush's agenda when you had the majority. WIMPS!!
As a group, the Republicans in Congress are a bunch of weak, namby-pamby, sissies. The Democrats clean your clock at every turn. You "play" from 3 steps behind - instead of 3 steps ahead.
You don't (can't) play "nice" with people like Schumer, Reid, Pelosi, and Kennedy.... you kick them in the teeth, grab them by the "short hairs" and FORCE them to do what you want! Protecting our Republic is NO game. These bastards want to SOCIALIZE America.
If you can't stop them - get the hell out of the way for real Republicans who can!
I will not send you one more penny until you all GROW SOME TESTICLES!
Get some strong CONSERVATIVE candidates to run the party so you all can go join some "Ladies Auxiliary."
You've ruined the party of Lincoln & Reagan.
Kenneth A. Johnson
We'll see if they say anything. Don't hold your breath....I'm not!
Dum Spiro Spero!
Kenneth A. Johnson
Long Valley, NJ 07853
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