Saturday, July 05, 2008

Happy Fourth of July and off-shore drilling!!

The Liberal Democrats (or should I just go ahead and call them what they really are ... Socialists?) think nothing of giving the future of our country over to the enviro-nazi's and other groups more concerned with "changing" our country than improving it. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if they offered solutions to problems, but most of these "nattering nabobs of negativism" (thank you Spiro T!) are only concerned with screaming about what's wrong, they don't offer any advise or solutions...except of course, unless it's "get rid of George Bush."

I got a bit agitated the other day after Congress ("where brain cells go to die") defeated a bill that would allow oil drilling in ANWAR and in our off-shore waters. Within the same news day that vote was announced, two communist countries - Cuba & China - announced their intensions to drill in the very same places that Americans are not allowed to!

Think about that - - - - - We can't. But they can. Huh?????

Does this make sense to any of you ????

This is how far we've come as a country.....we're more concerned about "rights" of the three-testicled spotted blind newt, the mating grounds of the porcupine caribou, and the amount of night-lights shining on the nesting beaches of the green backed buck-toothed sea tortoises, than we are about the energy well being of 300,000,000 human beings. Namely, us!

Joseph Kennedy Jr. (the most repulsive of the Kennedy Brother offspring), is as concerned with keeping wind power off the horizon of Hyannis Port (don't let him fool you!), as he is with preventing "drilling" anywhere...(unless it's his cousins "drilling" on a wild weekend with Uncle Teddy!)

Frankly, I want to keep this planet as clean as the next guy ... but if it comes down to a choice between me having to spend $5.00 for a gallon of regular gas, or whether the Kennedy's have to look at "little Amsterdam" off the Hyannis coast ... I'm screaming "bring in the windmills boys!!"

If the choice is between my family - and my country - being energy self-sufficient, or the continued existence of an amphibian, a deer, or a turtle.....I'm thinking.... "take a lot of pictures and hire some taxidermist's, 'cause these animals are history! "

And here's just a small paranoid idea that immediately leaped into my small mind upon hearing about China and Cuba .... What's to prevent any country that might harbor evil communist thoughts about the United States, from bringing in a small nuclear devise or some biological agent onto their oil "drilling " platform 60 miles off our coast! Christ, we've already shown we can't get a handle on our own port security, how are we going to monitor foreign drilling / launch platforms now encircling our entire country ???? Am I crazy?

Basically hasn't Congress just given the approval for foreign missile launch platforms to be erected off our coastlines??

Hello? Is anyone listening?? Does anyone else see this as a problem????? Is anyone else as paranoid as me????? Obviously Washington isn't!!! Geez!!!!

Dum Spiro Spero!


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