Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The "Great Deception" of Barack Obama

Shocking - simply shocking!

And even two days later I'm still flabbergasted thinking about the words Wesley Clark used during his conversation with Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation this past Sunday morning. I find his logic almost unimaginable!

Surprisingly, I'm not too upset about how Clark dismissed both Senator John McCain's military experience and his capabilities for The Presidency. Both Senator McCain and most veterans know the "color" of Wesley Clark's politics. More on that later....

What was most shocking was the gall with which das Liberales sent "old Wesley" out in front of the national camera's to inveigh both Senator McCain's personal gallantry, and most importantly, military service in general! While at the very same instant asking Americans to believe that Barack Obama is more qualified to assume The Presidency because he has greater strength of character, greater communications skills, and strength of judgment. (It's almost as if Clark was saying, "Barack doesn't have any of this experience, and this makes him better!")

Oh really???

OK, admittedly BHO is a much better public speaker than John McCain .... but as far as character and judgment are concerned, I ask you....strength of character and sound judgment? Where do you get that with Barack Obama?

The judgment and character to remain for more than 20 years an active member of a church in Chicago that preaches anti-American vitriol on a regular basis? The judgment to allow his little daughters to listen to the same anti-white, anti-American hatred Sunday after Sunday? (Rev. Wright doesn't "go off" on white America every Sunday! OK, so letting your daughters hear it once every month is OK?) The strength of character that intimates "racism" every time anyone poses a difficult question to him or his campaign? The same "vaunted" strong character and judgment that required him to ask for and receive the "blessing" of confessed anti-American BOMBER Bill Ayers, before starting his political career? The same judgment that caused him to accept a questionable real estate deal from a convicted felon? The same open minded judgment it takes to have his personal campaign leaders REMOVE female Muslim rally attendees wearing head-scarves from camera view....while at a different rally screaming loudly, "We need more white people down in front!" You mean that strength of character and sound judgment???

And even if I'd be willing to grant him these qualifications - which I'm not - where did Senator Obama gain these characteristics? During his 146 days in the Senate? Yeah, I guess that's it.

When Barack Obama began his run for The Presidency, I was happy because here there was an American of color with a legitimate shot at securing their party's nomination. I was equally happy because, (as became evident on Super Tuesday), Hillary's campaign had thought of this as her "coronation" all along, rather than a selection process. As she herself had said, the campaign would be over by that day. Little did she know that she was speaking of her own campaign - not Obama's! So I was pleased that Obama was being seen as a competent opponent to "team Clinton."

Unfortunately, what I've found out about Barack Obama - and his wife - and his/their associations during this campaign; what I've found out about his judgment and his character.... is that, underneath it all, Barack is no different from Hillary or any other hungry politician. My greatest disappointment is that Barack is really no different... that he will do and say, whatever is expedient - whatever is necessary - during this campaign.

Some of you might say, "but Ken, all politicians do that!"
OK, fine....but this particular politician vaulted onto the political scene screaming that he was different from all that - intimating that he was ABOVE all that. He shouted that he was the candidate of change. Isn't that what everyone says now? Barack's for CHANGE we can believe in! He's for hope; he's for the future! (Oh pull-leeezzzeeeee!!!) People wake up and get your heads out of your asses....he's a P-O-L-I-T-I-C-I-A-N. The only change he believes in, is the one where he and Michelle add 6 or 8 more zero's to the end of their bank accounts!

So, My recognition of this disappointment then, further allows me to believe that Barack and his campaign staff were fully aware of what Wesley Clark was going to say on Face the Nation. That the Obama campaign had either given tacit approval or encouragement to the former General .... with their ultimate strategy of having Barack come out yesterday with his "patriotism" speech, repudiating Clark's statements. Once again, for - Obama's - ultimate - gain.

Farfetched? I don't think so.

The crazy thing is the "vehicle" das Liberales & the Obama campaign chose to get their message out - that "military experience = no experience." Wesley Clark, retired U.S. 4-Star General, who is universally recognized as the military guy who screwed up the Balkans, who did an embarrassingly poor job in Rwanda, and who most recently...... (wait for it) ...... was the campaign "point man" for John Kerry, telling everybody that John Kerry was the best candidate for election to The Presidency in 2004, because he had the military experience and judgment that is what we look for and need in our Presidents!

Now, the very same experience in "another John" is exactly what Clark says we DON'T want in our Presidents!!!

(Whew! Now that's what I call American 4-star duplicity!) Yet another example of a less-than-stellar Obama association!

And still, young Americans flock to accept Barack's great deception. They only hear "hope & change" .... they hear none of the deception, none of the expediency.

"Baa, baaaaaa!"

Dum Spiro Spero!


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