Saturday, July 19, 2008

Why a "close race" now means Obama wins!

Using "literary license" I'm going to lift the slogan from the old time TRIX cereal commercials and "massage" it a little...

"Stupid Republicans, elections are for kids?"

All this week I've been confounded by on-air conservatives telling their radio audiences how pleased they were that John McCain was actually keeping pace with Barack Hussein Obama in a close Presidential race. Huh? Are they serious? By the end of the week I was actually screaming back at the radio, "It doesn't matter, you boobs!"

Frankly, I don't give the GOP much more than a 1 in 3 chance to beat Obama in the General Election this November. And that one chance in three is based upon Obama "steppin' on" something royally. It's certainly NOT based upon John McCain doing something wondrously Presidential!

John McCain is at best a very well qualified, but highly lackluster candidate. He is running against the political equivalent of Denzel Washington, or Usher! (No, wait a minute.... I'm pretty sure Denzel has more political experience that Baracka does...Usher, I'm not sure.) But you get the picture.

That's not the real reason I'm disheartened. As usual, Republicans are looking about 1/4 inch beyond their noses! Need a mental image? OK. Republicans getting all excited in July that McCain is neck & neck with Obama, is like the horse racing junkie who "bets the farm" on Big Brown, simply because "Big" was successfully standing in the starting gate at The Belmont! (And we all know how that turned out!)

If McCain was 25 points ahead of Obama now, I'd be impressed and breathing easier. If he had a spectacularly exciting message that was gaining exposure & acceptance, I'd be exuberant and hopeful. If he was even going after BHO "head on" with both political barrels blasting, I'd say "hot dog John's got Obama on the run!" But he's not. John McCain's campaign is like listening to Ben Stein do a Visine commercial! John McCain is "little Johnny one note!" John McCain is this morning's oatmeal, compared to Obama's filet mignon "sizzle!"

And one other thing......answer me this Republicans....what happens in late August, early September????

Need a hint? "Socialism classes" start again on every college campus across the country!!!! And I'm here to tell you, from the moment our son's and daughter's set foot on a college or university campus this fall - there's not going to be one class taught between September and Election Day in November! EVERY MOMENT on campus is going to be taken up by one great big "Elect Obama Rally" after another!

Ask yourself're on the single most liberal/Marxist/socialistic piece of real estate in the county, (any county). Day after day you're bombarded by posters, announcements, or pronouncements by student groups or faculty, that Barack Hussein Obama IS the Second Coming of Jesus Christ Almighty! Are you going to swim against the tide or are you going to get in on the "FREE STUFF!!!"

  • FREE Obama Frisbee's are passed out each day at every campus entry point! Leagues and long throw contests award CASH and/or CASES of "Obama beer."

  • Professors give out "A's" to any student who pledges to vote for Obama!

  • Big,busty, Obama Babe's become "resident" on college campuses - invited to stay until election day by College Presidents' and University Administration's.

  • At beer joints all across the nation "Obama Brew Nights" will be held - - every night! Students drink free.

  • Colleges' will hold "Barack and Michelle Look-Alike contests!" All contestant's get a new Barack cell phone.

  • There will be continuously "looped" showings of the new Spielberg, Moore, Oliver Stone production of...... "Barack Obama ... A Statesman like JFK; A Visionary like Gandhi; the Savior we've all waited for!"

  • FREE "ObamaPalussa" concerts are held weekly on campus's all across the county. Rock, Rap, Soul, and R&B artists, criss-cross the country performing, September through November 3rd. Always accompanied by Hollywood "notables" passing out FREE t-shirts or hoodies.

  • Verizon & AT&T offer FREE "I got a crush on Obama" ringtone. And grant $1.00 discount for each day it's used before the election!

Just wait until the polls start coming out in September and October. John who????? (snore). Once again I say.......


Dum Spiro Spero!


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