Saturday, June 28, 2008

For no other Reason.

OK, let's review again....

As the GREAT dearly departed George Carlin used to say...."We only get what we deserve!"
So if you're thinking about voting for the Liberal candidate in the upcoming Presidential Election, here's 2 FACTS to keep in mind.

FACT ONE: There's no argument about it...all the "experts" agree there's minimally between 11 and 15 million ILLEGAL ALIENS here in the United States....Presidential hopeful Baracka Hussein Obama said this week that he would guarantee every one of those ILLEGAL ALIENS, 100% full coverage for healthcare benefits....He will pay for this by raising taxes on (what he calls) the upper class.

FACT TWO: If you and your wife (or husband, or significant other) make (just or only) the "average salary" of a school teacher and a firefighter.... welcome to the "upper class." Your taxes are about to go up if BHO is elected! I'll bet you didn't even know you were rich, did you?

Now there's a CHANGE you can believe in !!!!
(, what's it called when the government takes it from me an gives it to someone else?????)

Free Add-on-Factoid!!! (one to a customer)
Liberals love to call America "scum." They're always railing about what a horrible country we've created...(funny though, how none of them ever leave this horrible place?) Anyway, since the beginning of the War Against Terrorism hundreds of men have been captured on the battlefields and sent to the Guantanamo Bay detention center in Cuba. Have mistakes been made by incarcerating some innocent men? Absolutely - that is an unfortunate 'truth' about war. But unlike "das Liberal" who says that none of these "freedom fighters" should have been imprisoned....I believe that the United States works as quickly as possible to rectify and release prisoners when a mistake is uncovered.

Here's the interesting FACTOID.....Did you know that 50 of these innocent released "freedom fighters" have subsequently been KILLED on the battlefields in Iraq or Afghanistan trying to kill American soldiers once again?

Now why do you suppose none of us heard about this from the Liberal Press or Media or Candidates?? Gee I wonder????? ( I know, I know! It's that god damn George Bush's fault!! )



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