Adding Insult to Injury.
I get sick with depression when I read this stuff about other countries.
Here we are, the United States of America.... the country that "taught" everyone the meaning of industrial revolution. The country that everyone else "cries out for" when they need protection - - but loves to kick in the face whenever they feel the need. We're the country that basically "funds" & "feeds" the world, but this all gets forgotten when the Liberal press decides we're "picking" on some third rate dictator.
I live in New Jersey. On September 11th, 2001, New Jerseyans stood on the Jersey side of the Hudson River and watched as Islamo Fascist scum flew commercial passenger jets filled with jet fuel & American civilians, into the World Trade Center Towers in New York City. Since September 11th, 2001, me and millions of other "tri-state-ers" have been waiting, and waiting, and waiting, for a new World Trade Center to emerge from the ashes of that hallowed ground.
Now it's almost the 7th anniversary of those infamous sneak attacks on the Twin Towers of New York City - - and STILL there's nothing for us to see! BUT.......................
A Dubai skyscraper being built by the Dynamic Architecture Group not only is going to incorporate "wind powered turbines" to rotate each of the 80 floors independently, but also generate enough electricity to allow for a portion of the buildings electrical needs. And it will be ready for occupancy by 2010. If you want to "see" and "feel" more about this innovative architectural design, just click on the following website. PS: They're also building one in Moscow. (We're third or 5th on the list).
Still another depressing development............
We no longer have a "World Trade Center" thanks to the homicide bombers of al Quida. But Bahrain does. And guess what? While here in the United States of America we argue and say "no" to all types of power and Bahrain they now have the BWTC, or Bahrain's World Trade Center. And to make matters worse, while we say "it can't be done"... Bahrain has also combined wind power into the architecture, so that their WORLD TRADE CENTER can generate electricity to help supply electrical power for the building. Check out this website.
But not here....
Since the Kennedy clan doesn't want wind turbines off Hyannis, and Nancy Pelosi doesn't want to look at them from her growing wine vineyards near San Francisco, of course the liberal socialists in Congress declare wind power impractical.
We can't drill for our own incredibly abundant oil or natural gas either... because of the POTENTIAL environmental impact that MIGHT happen......maybe. (Shhhh!! Don't even mention the fact that the Alaskan pipeline has actually improved and increased the herd size and diversity of Alaskan wildlife and fauna).
Depressingly environmental whacko's and congressional socialist liberals, have hijacked the entire energy agenda of what was once the greatest industrial powerhouse in the history of the world, and in so doing have relegated us to "third rate" status.
And American's patriots still sit still, and let them do it.
DUM SPIRO SPERO!! (but it's getting harder to believe.)
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