Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Hey Mr. President, do You Lie to Michelle this Often????

So where is our distinguished Nobel Laureate AlBore when we really need him?

Can you all remember when Al (using his best Baptist Minister impersonation) screamed into the camera .........

Boy, could we use ol' Al now.... as a sound effect for the Obamanation Administration.
Geez, if Obama was Pinocchio he wouldn't be able to turn a freakin' corner in the White House...or as Barack calls it..."the 1st crib." If he got "tazed" every time he told a lie in public, we'd be watching him convulsing on the floor every night!!

Let's just review a few of the more blatant lies our most esteemed president has uttered during the first 200 days of his administration.
  • Statement...I will approve no budget that contains earmarks! Fact: Approving an omnibus budget that contained nearly 9000 earmarks... unreviewed by Congress!
  • Quote... "We need to make the White House the people's house, and we need to close the revolving door that lets lobbyists come into government freely and lets them use their time in public service as a way to promote their own interests over the interests of the American people when they leave," Obama said. "As of today, lobbyists will be subject to stricter limits than under any other administration in history."There will be no lobbyists working in my administration. " Fact: Less than three weeks later Obama was forced to make a statement ending the ban on Lobbyists. Lobbyist now work in and consult with the Obama White House. (You think a Chicago-hack like Rahm Emanuel can exist without favors to and from Chicago/Illinois lobbyists?? PLEEEEZE!!!!)
  • Statement... The Stimulus Plan is necessary to insure that American Citizens don't loose their homes because they signed bad mortgages. Fact: The Stimulus Plan was used by banks to gobble up other banks! Does anyone reading this know of one person who received government stimulus dollars and avoided foreclosure?
  • Statement early this spring...Believe me, the last thing your government wants to do is own a car company! Fact: We now have a car company (Chevy, Cadillac) owned by the United States government, the Canadian government, and a health care fund of the UAW. (Can you believe it! The Union now owns part of the auto industry that they caused to go bankrupt with their unceasing wage & benefit demands! UNBELIEVABLE!)
  • Quote...."I have also pledged that health insurance reform will not add to our deficit over the next decade, and I mean it." Fact: The cost of Obama's socialized medicine program are so overwhelming that his own White House Budget Director and the Congressional Budget Office indicate that only accounting "gimmicks" "can mask the true burdens on the deficit!"
So let me pose to you readers a question.....He's taken over banks and insurance companies...much to the glee of Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and Chuck Shumer....He's fired the CEO of a private company.... in little-more than 200 days he's spent more money than all of the previous American Presidents COMBINED.... he's lied to all of you from the time before he was a candidate ..... He has never run anything in his life, but now he wants you to "trust him" as he dismantles the health care program that every other country in the world is envious of.
  • Do you really want to place your TRUST, your health, and the health of your children and grandchildren into the hands of a person who lies to you every day....and into the hands of a government that has failed running social security - failed running Medicare and Medicaid - failed running the Postal Service - for all intents-and-purposes failed at keeping its promises to you during your work life???? Huh? Well, do ya??
  • Do you now want this administration to be responsible for establishing how and to what extent health care for you and your loved ones is granted???
  • Do you want this administration who tells you it's your patriotic duty to "spread your wealth around" to take more of your savings and choose what kind of health care you and your family receive???
If you don't like being lied to by a President who has demonstrably changed our country in little more than 200 days ...... If you don't want to continue being abused and walked-over by an administration who sees you and your family as "government property" .... you better take action NOW. Call your Senators and Congressmen and tell them you expect them to vote against socialized healthcare of any kind. Tell them that unless they follow your orders - you'll join with hundreds of others calling for their immediate "recall!"

Chilling final thought: once Obamacare In ANY FORM is passed, Liberals will gain another 20 million votes. They will be unstoppable for the next 2 generations! Why? Because ILLEGAL ALIENS are part of the group Obama wants covered by his health care program!!

Sic Semper Tyrannis!!!


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