Sunday, August 02, 2009

Why not just fix the problem...that needs fixing...and leave the rest alone!!!!! Logical???

Since Franklin Delano Roosevelt's administration - the Liberals have been trying to make socialized medicine a reality here in the U.S. That's right - learn a little history on a Sunday evening...since 1933 when FDR was first sworn in as our 33rd President, liberals have been trying to control the medical industry in this country. Even back in old FDR's time, Liberals knew that making healthcare "an entitlement" would virtually guarantee Democratic electoral success.

But even with all their conniving, conservative republicans stood in their way - assuring that our free market system was protected. You'd think that after all this time Liberal Democrats would understand that the American People aren't willing to RUIN the best medical care system in the world - in order for the Democrats to garner another 5 - 15 million votes!! (And don't let anyone tell you this is about anything other than VOTES! )

Which brings me to my point - Why not just fix the problem...that needs fixing?
During the last 10 or 12 years all I've heard from Ted (vehicular homicide - hic!) Kennedy, the Clintons, Pelosi, Reed, Shumer, and Obama, is that there are 45 million Americans without healthcare. That we have to cover these 45,000,000 Americans or else we're just a country of cold-hearted, uncaring, rich conservative bigots!

OK - well, why don't we just fix the problem that needs fixing. For the sake of showing "humanity" to those less fortunate than ourselves, let's agree to "cover" all those legally eligible with healthcare benefits.

First however, we have to look at that number the libs always throw around...Forty-five million Americans. Unfortunately that number includes between 12 and 20 million illegal aliens the liberals want to cover for free healthcare. (Why? see paragraph 2) Even for the sake of this exercise I will never agree to covering people in this country illegally....that's just never going to fly.... so lets just subtract out fifteen million illegal aliens. That leaves us with 30,000,000 people needing healthcare benefits.

OK. So where are we going to find the $$$$ necessary to cover 30,000,000 people ????????????
Well if you listen to the Socialist in the White House - we have to scrap our entire nation-wide healthcare and medical system in order to accomplish this! And because the "Obama Press & Media core" fails to report this news, all Americans are left to believe that the only way to provide these poor unfortunates healthcare ... is if we all give up our current healthcare programs and the Government takes over the health care system - to the tune of more than $1 trillion dollars in additional spending!

Here's just this stupid, ignorant, American's solution to this "national emergency"....... why don't we just fix the problem that needs fixing? Instead of ruining the entire medical/healthcare system for all 300 million Americans, why not find out how much and how to cover 30 million Americans without healthcare? That has to be a lot easier and a lot less expensive. AND - I BET THE CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE COULD EVEN COME UP WITH HOW TO GET THE MONEY FAST & EASY - didn't they come up with how to get the $787,000,000,000 billion dollar stimulus money in about 36 hours?

Maybe it's just me, but isn't it smarter & easier to fix the smaller problem instead of struggling to not FUBAR the whole healthcare system of an entire nation? Really - are these questions really so hard for you politicians to answer?

Dum Spiro Spero!!!
Sic Semper Tyrannis!!!


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