Michelle Obama Laughed at Bush's Tax Cut!!
Return with me for a moment to July 2008.........here we have future First Lady Michelle Obama on the campaign trail at an event in Pontiac, Michigan "scoffing" at the George W. Bush $600 tax cut.
Fast forward to early February 2009..........Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States of America. Michelle Obama is ensconced in the White House as Our Nation's First Lady - and the new President has just signed his first bill into law....a $787 Billion Dollar STIMULUS package."You're getting $600 - what can you do with that? Not to be ungrateful or anything, but maybe it pays down a bill, but it doesn't pay down every bill every month," she said. "The short-term quick fix kinda stuff sounds good, and it may even feel good that first month when you get that check, and then you go out and you buy a pair of earrings." - Michelle Obama
Based largely on Election Day support from young liberal voters, African American and Latino households looking for a "change they can believe in," Barack Obama was swept into the Presidency promising to cut taxes of 95% of the American People, while raising taxes on the rich! He has appeared on television more often initially than any other American President, touting his STIMULUS PLAN as having "NO PORK," and indicating that this is but the first step on the long road of national reconstruction. So let's look at what his $787 Billion, no pork plan is going to get the average American in TAX relief......
EFFECTIVE in June 2009, Americans will be getting a tax break amounting to $13.00 per week. In January 2010 the tax break will drop to $8.00 per week for the next 11 weeks!WOW!! Now I can see why 68 million Americans voted for this guy! $13 bucks a week! Wow, I'll be able to pay off my mortgage and retire in no time!!
Madam First Lady,
No "scoffing" allowed now...but, when you wake up next to Our 44th President tomorrow morning,
ask him where he's hidden those $13.00 earrings he bought you with his tax cut dollars!! And how many bills are you going to pay down with what's left? Sorry....just checking....go back to sleep.
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