More Obama Ignorance and anti-Americanism
Well, today I heard something I never thought I'd hear .
For me it's just one more example of Obama's STUPIDITY and complete disregard for what the AMERICAN CITIZEN wants. (Always remember 77% of the American population DID NOT vote for this........gentleman.)
One of this countries great patriots - a member of Congress and one of the key members of the Foreign Intelligence Committee, was recently on a scheduled intelligence trip to Afghanistan. His job on the trip was to make sure our American fighting men & women as well as our intelligence operatives in the war zones (FBI/CIA) had everything they needed to "get the job done."
Imagine his surprise when he was told by a number of Intelligence (CIA & FBI) operatives, that they had been instructed by their superiors that all enemy captives were to be "Marandized" before any interrogations could be undertaken. This "policy/order" was later confirmed by US Military Commanders in the area. Both the military personnel as well as the intelligence operatives indicated that this "policy" came down from Washington "very quietly."
So, let me set the table for you here.......there's only one or two offices that have the power and/or ability to order this action and have it "stick" in a theater of war. It's either President Barack Obama as the Commander-In-Chief of the military and leader of the intelligence agencies as well - OR - The Attorney General, Eric Holder acting on the direction of the President. There's simply no other authority that could have ordered this action and have it followed so quickly and quietly.
And what has transpired here, behind the backs of every American citizen, against the better judgment of every American Military Commander and Intelligence Special Agent, is the granting of UNITED STATES CIVIL RIGHTS to non-American enemy combatants. Basically - either Barack Obama or Eric Holder, have by their actions, notified Osama Bin Laden that he now has the same rights if he were to turn himself in, as any American citizen has when being detained and questioned by police. He has the right to remain silent, the right to an attorney, and the right to a trial by his peers.
Obama or Holder have turned the War on Terrorism which began on September 11th. 2001, into an issue of civil rights and criminal prosecution! They have given all enemy combatants the same rights to defense attorneys and American Jurist Prudence as you or I have if we need to go to court. They have bestowed upon people sworn to kill all Americans - the same LEGAL rights as American citizens have.
And they did all this without the approval of the American people. They did this surreptitiously - hoping that they wouldn't be found out!
But as I write this post I realize something else ....... Barack Obama has always wanted to give medical benefits and citizenship to the 20 million illegal aliens who have broken our laws and invaded our country, so I shouldn't be surprised that he would dictate such a policy now in Afghanistan. And Eric Holder is the Attorney General who freed the Puerto Rican Terrorists - members of FALN - that blew up Fraunces Tavern in Manhattan in January 1975, killing 4 and injuring 50.
Why should I be surprised that the President or his Attorney General would grant US Civil Rights to islamo-fascists bent on killing American soldiers??? He's just doing what he's been doing all of his life.
God give me strength!!!
Dum Spiro Spero!!!
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