Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Five Points to Ponder.....

* This past Sunday, Speaker Nancy Pelosi appeared on ABC's 'This Week' with George Stephanopoulos. During her interview Madam Pelosi indicated that there would be "millions of dollars" from the Obama Stimulus Package specifically targeted toward "family planning services." (i.e.: Planned Parenthood) So shocked was Stephanopoulos when he heard this, that he repeated his question and asked Speaker Pelosi if she'd like to adjust her statement. Pelosi said no.

Make no mistake America, the Liberal Congress is now voting to use our tax dollars to fund killing babies! Perhaps we shouldn't be shocked by such an obvious admission by the ultra-liberal Speaker. President Obama championed identical beliefs during the campaign at a town hall meeting in Johnstown. Pa. last year. That day Obama said he wouldn't want either of his daughters "punished with a baby" if she made a mistake. (This speaks volumes to what awaits us during the next 4 years!)

** With everyone focused on the economy, you can't go a day without someone in Washington saying, the financial security of this country depends on the Obama administration solving our economic problems immediately!! Nationwide it seems that the economy and our future financial security has become "job one" as Ford used to say.

Really?? It's that important???

That explains why we're now entrusting this MONUMENTALLY important issue to a guy who's been caught cheating on his income tax - not once - but for four separate years!! And when caught, he only paid off the tax and penalty for two of those years, because that's all the IRS asked him to pay.......... And Obama tells us, there's not one other person as qualified to do the job as this cheater Geitner is!! (Oh, we're in deep shit on so many levels!)

*** This week The President announced the closing of Guantanimo Bay Terrorist Detention Center in Cuba. He did so without a plan as to where the 256 murdering terrorist bastards are going to go. (sorry about my language - NOT!) While thinking about this, I realized that the French - a people with which I hold very little in common - have a wonderful word for where I'd recommend we place these scum. The word is "oubliette" from the French root "oublier." The literal translation of oubliette is "a place of forgetting." Most often in literature it is a small utterly dark shelf in a long steeply sloping tunnel leading to the sea ... or worse. Once placed there, the incarcerated would be forgotten by their captors. And those forgotten could choose to throw themselves off the shelf without knowing what awaited them below. (God, that's such a nice thought to have about terrorists!)

I suggest an oubliette plateau of some size in an ice cave somewhere in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. We can't drill and use our own oil from there - so maybe this is a way that we can utilize this territory effectively! I'll volunteer to scout out a suitable location, and I'll even arrange for transport. But we must act quickly.

And here's a strong PS on this one ..... Yemen has voiced "willingness" to accept the terrorist prisoners from Cuba. Yeah, I don't think so...especially after we released that one sand-flea from Guantanamo back to Yemen, and he's now the Number 2 guy in Al Quida there. And isn't Yemen where we lost 17 brave US sailors aboard the USS Cole?? Yeah, me thinks this is a pretty STUPID idea! Oubliette ANWR is the way to go!!!!

**** Keep counting America! During past years I've repeatedly warned fellow citizens to guard against the United States being infected with creeping socialism.

Need yet another parallel between "where we're headed" and the Marxist/Leninist utopia??

As of last week, President Obama had appointed 4 "CZARS" to head various government agencies in his administration.Now where have I heard that word before?? (What do Psychologists call it when someone inadvertently lets something slip that they actually want to hide???) I don't know....what do you think Comrades?

***** Here's a final chilling FACT - Sometime during the late '50's, my ancestral homeland of Sweden elected the Social Democrats to power. (I can remember my Dad crying that day as he read the Swedish paper).

It took over 60 years for the Swede's to finally wake up and rid the government of them! But not before they'd nearly bankrupted the national treasury with their spending - and raised taxes on the citizenry so badly that nearly 2 generations of Swede's moved their personal and business finances offshore!!!

So here's the FACT - socialism fails, ALWAYS! It collapses under its own bureaucratic weight and excesses. But only AFTER it wreaks the citizenry for generations!!

What's the Obama wealth sharing "pogrom" against tax paying Americans (oops!) program projected to costing now????

DUM SPIRO SPERO!! (if I can afford it!)


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