Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Two problems: Our New Computer & the New United States

Some of you know that I had been "nursing" our old computer through the last couple years of its life....
I had purchased it in 1999, when a Intel Pentium III 866 MHz. processor was considered "pretty snappy!"

Over the years I needed to increase the memory, upgrade the operating system - twice, replace and upgrade the internal HDD, add an external HDD for even more storage, and upgrade the BIOS a couple of times. Believe me, I'm an idiot - so the fact that I could actually manage these changes without blowing out the local electrical grid or the computer - tells me that ANYONE can fiddle around inside a computer successfully.

A month or so ago, the old system really started ......"wheezing." After maybe 10 "Lord, hear our prayer moments," it was time to "bi-te zed bul-let" and actually buy another PC. (Buying it was actually the fun part.... in that our daughter bought it for us!!!!) But what nobody ever tells you ... is that getting files and settings and programs and "stuff" from one system to another is excruciatingly un-nerving, difficult and time consuming. As I'm typing this "the old system" is sitting right behind my left shoulder, plugged in & waiting.......just waiting for that inevitable....."AH SHIT" moment that's bound to come when I realize I've done something horribly damaging to the new system!

At this point I don't smell any burning electrical wires .... and it appears, I'm still typing in English instead of Swahili, so I figure I've transferred enough of my old stuff to the new box - and I should get back to productivity! For now at least, it seems I can forget about problem 1 and focus on problem 2.

"Aw geez," as Archie used to say... Problem 2 really hurts!!! Mentally, emotionally, physically, FINANCIALLY... Problem #2 - IS the 800 pound gorilla every "devout American" should be concerned about these days. And I believe "devout" is the proper "descriptor" to use as well. Devout, means deeply religious. We've all known exceptionally religious people in our lives. People who believe so deeply in their religion, that they serve their God happily and without reservation.

For me, patriotism and national pride have always been a "devotion." A feeling to be reveled in and warmly embraced! Our symbol, the flag, "Old Glory" and everything those stars and stripes stand for. "The United States of America," the country, its people, its ideals, and everything it has achieved and GIVEN to the rest of the world since 1776. Even the wars we have fought through - but perhaps especially our own Civil War - a war so costly, that so nearly tore us apart, but inevitably binds us more strongly together.

All of this and more is the basis of my devotion! Our freedoms, our liberties, our rights as Americans - all paid for with precious American blood, here and in hundreds of other places around the globe. Since our Founding Fathers called upon their Creator at every step when forming this country, I think God will understand when I use the term "devout" to describe a strong form of patriotism.

Unfortunately, devotion to America .... asking God to Bless America, or even showing support for the principle tenets by which The Constitution established us, is very unpopular these days. I kept my mouth shut since November 2nd., and watched as all the right words were spoken that day and on subsequent days. But I've watched and I've seen in the intervening 8 months, not the deliberate, cleverly cloaked changes I expected - but lightning fast obliterations to American enterprises, industries, personal liberties, and even to some Constitutionally guaranteed protections & provisions!!

Mark my next words very carefully.........

The actions the Obama administration (and the Congressional leadership) have perpetrated against the Constitution and the American people since January 20, 2009, have placed this country perilously close to changing our form of government from a representative republic to AT BEST a social democracy. With assistance from a complicit Press, the Obama administration is close to reversing - in less than one year - what our forefathers, our fathers, our sons, daughters and neighbors have fought and died for during the previous 200. He has been deified in the Press and by the Left, and his every action weakens our Country and emboldens our enemies.

So, what should devoted Americans do at this point?

First of all let's remember how President Obama got to the White House. I know your Liberal Democratic friends would rather you didn't understand this, but it's VERY important. Barack Hussein Obama became the President of The United States of America, with 69.5 million "popular votes." This means that only 23% of the entire American population voted for him. His opponent received about 60 million popular votes, about 19.8% of the population. Understand what that means ....
Barack Hussein Obama DID NOT receive the support of 77% of the American population during the last election.
For all DEVOTED Americans, this means that less than 25% of the voting public gave President Obama what he considers his mandate to change our form of government into something more than three quarters of the population DIDN'T vote for!!!

I know I would never agree to live under a Social Democracy! It's failed everywhere it's been tried. And I'll be damned if I'd ever agree to have the United States governed by Socialism. But that's where we're headed if we all don't wake up.

There is one saving grace - and it's US! Obama, his Congress, his Unions, his Press and his 70 million popular votes DO NOT outweigh the 233,000,000 devout Americans who comprise the rest of America - the BEST part of America! It's time for "We The People" to understand that we are STILL in the MAJORITY here in the United States! MOBILIZE people - tell your Congressmen and Senators and Governors that you will not stand for Socialism in the United States of America! Speak out!
Don't let Liberals spew their lies without challenging them! Know your facts and tell anyone who will listen.

FREEDOM has never been free! It's time for all of us to FIGHT for OUR country once again!



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