Sunday, June 14, 2009

LOOKING FORWARD TO SOCIALIZED MEDICINE? -and- Charlie Rangel tells the truth (inadvertantly?) on Obama's Healthcare!

Here's something to look forward to if President Obama is successful in his socialization of our health care industry!!!
Imagine your wife or daughter has just received a diagnosis of breast cancer from her Doctor. (God forbid!!!)
(Breast cancer is diagnosed in over 200,000 women every year here in the United States!) Or perhaps someone you love has been diagnosed with kidney cancer.....

When you've finally begun to breathe again, and you're searching for the best and fastest possible "next step" to save your loved one ...... imagine that you're told by a governmental committee that you are not eligible to receive the latest and best drug to fight your disease!!!

RIDICULOUS you say??? Think again....

In Britain, they have a wonderful bunch of bureaucrats called the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (aka: National Institute for Curbing Expenditure). If you can believe it, the "acronym" for this affront to humanity is NICE. (Geez, can you believe it?) It is the charge of this committee to decide which patients, and which illnesses warrant expenditure for drugs and treatments - which drugs - in what dosages (or for how long) - OR - which patients/illnesses don't warrant expenditure. Within the last couple of years, NICE has decided that women with breast cancer SHOULDN'T receive the latest and best drug a)because it is too expensive or b) their cancer was too far advanced. The same position was taken concerning folks with kidney cancer - but this decision was turned around after an incredible public outcry. What makes this so crazy is that these drugs are widely used throughout other European countries - and even in other parts of the UK!

For me the UNBELIEVABLE fact is that somewhere...ANYWHERE in the world today .... there is a formal committee whose job it is to decide who warrants life and who warrants death!!! And if you think it can't happen here in the United States you are so sadly mistaken! We already have the FDA here in the United States - need I say more? We've proven mightily that we can institutionalize STUPIDITY better than most countries! Do we really want to re-test our failures deciding on peoples lives?

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If that weren't reason enough to STOP socialized medicine, here's another.....
Yesterday or the day before, NY Congressman Charlie Rangel was making statements to the Press Corp. when he stated that Obama's proposed health care initiatives carry a price tag of an additional $600 BILLION dollars!!! When he was asked if the price tag might go higher he said it might exceed $ 1 TRILLION dollars!!!

Well, geez Louise! Where is all this money going to come from? Oh that's right - I get it. We can afford anything here in the United States as long as we can keep those Treasury Department printing presses going, or just keep raising taxes! WHEN ARE WE GOING TO WAKE UP ????




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