Sunday, August 09, 2009

The crux of the liberal agenda

Last week I posted a blog about Obama's potential healthcare debacle entitled "Why not just fix the problem...that needs fixing...and leave the rest alone!!!!! Logical???" My premise was that rather than changing an entire healthcare system that is working marvelously well for nearly 300 million covered American citizens, why not instead have the government establish a program to cover the 25 to 45 million American citizens without healthcare coverage? (As a reminder, I noted in my posting that I have never had a problem granting healthcare coverage to American citizens without healthcare - but I vowed to forever oppose any plan that includes coverage for the nearly 20,000,000 ILLEGAL aliens now in our country.)

Well....I received a number of responses from liberals wondering why it was that conservatives always sought to deny benefits that they enjoyed to those less fortunate who needed them the most?

Talk about a load of prototypical Liberal horse shit! This is the same drivel I heard every liberal candidate espouse throughout the last campaign, and what Lord Obama has called for daily during the first 200 days of his administration. They make outlandish "blanket" statements with no facts to back them up - but knowing the Press will go along with anything they say - so they feel emboldened to continue lying to the American people. The consequence of which is that the vast majority of the American public gets fed a never ending meal of Liberal shit burgers!

(Oy, this makes my head hurt!) OK....One final time so even Liberals can understand. I am NOT looking to deny healthcare benefits to any legally qualified American citizen. But let's NOT mess up the greatest healthcare engine the world has ever known, in order to create coverage for something less than 14% of the American citizenry.

One respondent even chided me - asking why I was so adamantly opposed to covering needy people? He "supposed" I lived in a big house had done well in my career so that I could afford "giving" some more to those less fortunate! And there I realized - in his two statements - reside the crux of the liberal/socialist agenda for this country, and a glimpse of the future for any American citizen who had worked hard all of our lives and would at some point like to enjoy the "fruits of our labor." (Follow me now this is important) granting healthcare coverage to any eligible American citizen without healthcare, had morphed into my opposition to "cover needy people." His argument was that since I had worked hard and could afford it, I should be willing to give someone - anyone - healthcare if they were deemed "less fortunate!"

The end result is that the liberal socialist's want to give away the "fruits of our labors" that we have earned! And it isn't relegated to healthcare alone - if we let this healthcare fiasco proceed it will soon include anything we own - our purchased property - our savings and our investments - our pensions vehicles and our earned Social Security "promise" - ANYTHING we have earned that the socialist decides should go to those who didn't earn it. Oh, and that also includes the elimination of our freedoms - especially our freedom of speech.

Americans, this abhorrence can not stand!!! I cringe every time I think about Joe Biden's televised interview comments where he said spreading the wealth around was being patriotic! Or Barack Obama's televised speech where he unabashedly stated,
  • "My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me as we try to change it."
We should have seen it coming then, and defeated these liberal socialists...but we were too apathetic, we didn't understand the magnitude of their hatred for this country. We failed to get enough like-minded patriots together on election day to defeat those who want to defeat our country, and our way of life! We must now once and for all protect our constitution, and our country!

WE who have earned every right we have been given by our blood, sweat, toil, and tears, must unite to reclaim and protect our rights as American citizens! Perhaps we must now come to grips with the realization that this marks the beginning of the Second American Revolution! A revolution devoted to running the liberal revisionists and apologists out of office! A revolution fought to re-affirm the American heritage and all that it represents.

Perhaps nothing less will suffice.

Sic Semper Tyrannis!!!


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