Tuesday, January 29, 2008

This sounds so simple to me!

While driving in Schenectady, Albany and Troy NY the other day, I was scanning the radio waves, and heard a commentator give the following message. Before I could hear who it was I passed out of channel range and never found out their name.

The more I thought about it the more lucid the spot became, and I share it with you ..... gee I wish I'd thought of it!

"You want to have cheaper gas prices?
Drill for and refine more oil here in ANWAR and elsewhere in the United States.
You want alternative means of energy here in the United States?
Let's get into nuclear energy just like France. Let's build some wind farms. Let's get more involved with solar and thermal energy sources.
You want to stimulate the housing market?
Reduce the interest rate.
You want to stimulate the economy?
Reduce taxes!"

(They might have said "permanently reduce taxes" or "do away with the IRS" but then again that might just be wishful thinking on my part).

Now, it may seem incredibly simplistic for me to believe that this suggestion will work....but then again, just because the "nay-sayers" & environmentalists say it won't work .... doesn't mean it won't work!!

Oh and BTW, regarding oil drilling, the environmentalists are just going to have to understand that for a time, we're going to have to make their concerns secondary while we work our way out of this problem. Bambi, Yogi & Smokey, Peter Rabbit, and all the other furry creatures need to understand that we'll do the best we can to not shake up their habitat - but let's face it, we've gotta move forward. We've been stuck in neutral here since the 60's listening to environmentalists tell us "hands off!" Well, the oil exporting nations haven't taken their hands off the "drill" button, and they are now cleaning our clocks and our bank accounts! Time for all of us to be grown-ups & understand that we can be responsible and still move forward!

> Just STOP with this corn-gas crap that's stupidly ridiculous to refine and would need us all to stop eating corn to get a whole "whopping" 2% reduction in the use of petroleum products! It would be cheaper but just as stupid to catch cow farts!!

> It means for all you anti-nuclear power nutzo's.....just because it's nuclear doesn't mean it'll explode or that we'll all be "glowing." 80% of all Frenchmen are powered by nuclear.

> Teddy and Joe Kennedy are just going to have to understand that a "wind farm" in the Atlantic Ocean off Hyannis Port is going to happen. That goes double for the folks on the Pacific side of things.

> Tapping into thermal heat sources and getting power from the sun should be rewarded, not cost you a million bucks!

> It's time to DISMANTLE the Internal Revenue Service - whose only "service" that I can figure, is taking my money on a regular basis. Can anyone tell me why the IRS needs to employ 115,000 people and has an annual budget of $11 BILLION dollars? Who audits them???!!!

Dumb Spiro Spero????


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