Sunday, July 15, 2007

Shallow Democrats, Shallow Women, Shallow Bloggers & Shallow People!

You know, if the damn Democrat party wasn't so dam hypocritical, maybe they'd be able to accomplish something.
But I seriously doubt it!! DIRTY ROTTEN BASTARDS!!

You don't have to troll too wide on the web to find pictures of Mr. & Mrs. Fred Dalton Thompson. Her name is Jeri Kehn Thompson. They've been married since 2002. More on that later............ In my email of this post I inserted two wonderful shots of the happy couple on their wedding day, (Sorry, blog buddies, I don't know how to insert photo's to my blog posts).

I've just spent a couple of hours this morning amazed at the bloggosphere and the liberal face pages that are ABSOLUTELY tearing Fred Thompson apart because - as they term it - Fred Thompson can't be trusted because he has "A Trophy Wife!" Seriously, they are absolutely killing both him, her and Republicans in general for allowing this to be. Try it, go to Google type in "Thompson's wife." In 0.17 seconds you get back 2,310,000 hits!

Here's a good example....I know Susan Estrich is a loyal Dem - and a very intelligent reporter. (I've even agreed with her on one or two occasions). But in her recently published article entitled "Fred Thompson's Trophy Wife," after a very catty and drawn out epistle, she ends by saying (in effect) that she can't like or trust Fred Thompson because his wife is young and beautiful, and he divorced his first wife. Don't believe me? Here's a link to Susan's article, you read it!

Other liberal bloggers and pundits smear Thompson saying that he deserves all the derision he gets after what was said about Hillary, Tipper Gore, & Teresa Kerry! They follow up by alluding that having a beautiful women in the White House would be distracting to the Nation. Huh? They make a big deal about Fred Thompson's divorce, that he's been married before. Yeah, that divorce thing is really an unusual characteristic these days!

For those of you keeping score, the truth is Fred Thompson HAS been married before. He was married to Sarah Lindsey for 26 years and they had 3 children together. Sarah & Fred divorced in 1985. Why? That's their business, not mine, not yours, certainly not Susan Estrich's! After 17 years of "single life" Fred then met Jeri Kehn and they were married in 2002. Fred & Jeri now have a daughter together - they are happy - what is wrong with that? Is there something wrong with loving your wife - having sex - and making a baby?

Ohhhh, you see, Estrich and the rest of these SHALLOW BASTARD DEMOCRATS would have you believe that because Fred is 64 and Jeri is much younger, there has to be something dirty...something immoral...something to snigger about....especially between courses at Democrat fundraising dinners. That divorce is something that Republicans do......

The liberal implication is that because of their age difference, because of his divorce, because of her "hotness," Fred Thompson won't ever be able to govern correctly.

Kathleen Willey (sexual Assault) ...........

Wait until the presidential primary season starts....the Democrat media machine will use the same slander against Rudy Guiliani, and any other candidate who has been married more than once.

Paula Jones (sexual assault & battery) .........

It doesn't matter that Senator Thompson had an extremely successful 26 year marriage blessed with three wonderful children and now 5 grandchildren. What the Democrat machine wants you to remember is that Thompson is divorced, has a wife 20 years younger than him, therefore there's something dirty about it!

Juanita Broaddrick (rape) ..........

They'll want you to believe that because of divorce neither Thompson nor Guiliani could ever be considered true Presidential material!! They want you to believe that Thompson "threw over" Sarah Lindsey, just to get to the trophy! How could you possibly trust such a man?

Gennifer FLowers (long-term affair during marriage) ..........

They publish and print their "high-ground" position that Bill & Hillary have been married for so long. That we'd get "two for the price of one" with them.

Monica Lewinsky (oval office intern) ..........

What Estrich and the rest of the liberal bloggosphere are doing to Fred Thompson is criminal! My God folks, the guy hasn't even formally declared himself for the office yet!

Why it's no different than if I was to question .... How we, as a nation, could possibly trust a female candidates' judgment as President after staying with a convicted liar and quite possibly a serial rapist for all those years, just to further her political ambitions ???

Would that be right??

Dum Spiro Spero!


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