Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The ACLU, Jesus, and terrorists!

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the A.C.L.U. stands for.......

Atheists - Communists - Liberals - Unionists

Yesterday, the ACLU sued the city of Slidell, Louisiana because they have had a picture of Jesus hanging in the lobby of their courthouse for over a decade. The picture shows Jesus presenting the New Testament, and carries the message "To know Peace, Obey these Laws." An ACLU spokesman has said that they were bringing the lawsuit "not because the ACLU is anti-religion." But because the Slidell display of the picture is clearly in violation of the law (separation between church and state).

I, for one, can attest that the ACLU is NOT an anti-religious group. As my proof, I'll use logic ..... No group that is anti-religion would elect the National Chairman of CAIR*- Parves Ahmed to the ACLU's Board of Directors in Florida. Ahmed has been an ACLU Director since February 2006. Ahmed was happy to join the ACLU and fight for the civil liberties of Muslims and Islamic Groups throughout the United States. (See? Logic - these groups are religious therefore the ACLU can not be anti-religion.)
* Committee on American-Islamic Relations

What anti-religious organization would elect as one of their Directors, a National Chairman of an Islamic organization? And what anti-religious group would champion the civil liberties of a religious group like Muslims? Instant logical proof!

Unfortunately my little attempt at sarcasm only reinforces the fact that the ACLU is not only anti-religion, they're anti-American. So it stands to reason that any incident that hurts America or Americans - helps the ACLU. The Slidell, LA. lawsuit seeks to hurt one more little city in America, so that suits their purpose. It denigrates the Christian religion, so that suits their purpose. The ACLU knows they have the freedom of speech behind them and there's nothing we can do about it! They win both ways! They tell American cities and governments that it is against the law for them to display Christian icons - but the ACLU can choose to defend the civil rights of Muslim groups.

And Americans sheepishly continue to allow the ACLU to dictate to our cities and hold our legal system in check.

So, who's more at fault here - the ACLU - or us for letting it happen???

Only We The People can change this crap ! !

Dum Spiro Spero


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