Thursday, June 07, 2007

NEVADAN'S - RECALL HARRY REID!!!!! No Concessions for Illegals until Borders Secured!!!

I HAVE HAD IT !!!!!!!!!

Yesterday, the Head Dullard for the Democrat Party in the Senate - Harry Reid - while explaining all the "hard work" still necessary to pass the Immigration debacle, called 12 million illegal aliens..........


For this statement alone, All Nevadan Americans should call / email and fax their Governor's Office and demand an immediate recall vote on this "gentleman" currently reigning as Senate Majority Leader!

In 5 seconds the dim-witted Nevada Senator unequivocally told all United States citizens that 12 million LAW BREAKERS were Americans! In 5 seconds, Harry Reid not only told everyone listening what the Democrat strategy was for 2008, but also told everyone that U.S. Citizenship no longer counts! LAW BREAKERS are just as important to America as I am - as you are - as your kids and families are! Here, LAWS no longer count, Rules and regulations no longer apply as long as you can do away with borders!

The "message" Senator Reid was sending to every illegal and every islamic terrorist is........

"Don't worry LAW BREAKERS, by the time you get here we'll have passed this law! The United States as it once was, no longer exists!! They can never again have sovereign borders because of this bill! They can never again impose laws to govern who they allow into their country!! - We have broken them! America is now an open society!"

Patriotic Americans should phone / fax / and email as many people as they can, to swell the protest against illegal immigration policies, and to urge an immediate recall of any Senator, Congressman, or Governor that supports this immigration bill !

Tell them, "THIS IS STILL MY COUNTRY!!!" Let those we elected to work for us hear YOUR voice!!!

"the ultimate authority...resides in the people alone," - James Madison, The Federalist Papers


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