In two months it will be 6 years!
I don't know how this is going to work. I'm trying to incorporate a picture into this blog posting ...I don't know if the picture will get onto my blog*site. If it doesn't make it, understand that this was a photo of what the NYPD believes will become an "interlocking web of cameras around lower Manhattan." It appeared this morning on NewsMax so you may be able to catch a picture of the picture there...sorry if it doesn't make the posting! - KAJ
In any event, this picture appeared to lend weight (pictures lend credibility!) to the story indicating that by the end of this year the "Lower Manhattan Security Initiative" will begin to monitor cars moving through the area with more than 100 cameras. Just begin.
The initial 100 cameras are only the first installment of a final 3000 that the New York City Police Department reports will create a "web" of cameras and roadblocks around lower Manhattan designed to detect, track, and deter terrorists. Although not fully funded yet the 3000 cameras, the operations center, the movable roadblocks and the security officers needed to run the web, would cost an estimated $90,000,000! Because as Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly says the area is very critical to the economic lifeblood of the nation. He says the initiative's aim is to make it (lower Manhattan) less vulnerable.
Two big problems with this whole story.....FIRST
Dear Police Commissioner Kelly & Mayor Bloomberg,
* What strikes me right off the bat ...... is that these 100 cameras represent 3.33% of the final number of 3000 cameras in the overall protect lower Manhattan plan. When is your "web" of video going to be complete?
* You have less than a third of the total 90 million dollar cost funded so far, Why? (28% actually)
* This morning I found out that NYC has spent only 47.7% of the hundreds of millions given to the city by Homeland Security in the last few years. The rest is in an account awaiting spending....but Chuckie Shumer is complaining NYC needs more. Why?
* Commissioner, Do you think completing less than 5% of a project in almost 6 years is good enough??? Should we think it's good enough???
* Mayor Bloomberg, with all due respect & great deference to the dead hero's of 9 - 11, in the almost 6 years since 9 - 11, you have overseen "the construction" of a very large hole in the ground known as "Ground Zero." So, in 6 years you've constructed a hole!!!!!
With all due respect gentlemen - WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING FOR 6 YEARS ?? (Ooo, maybe that's too harsh,not fair).
How's this ..... WHAT THE F**K HAVE YOU BEEN DOING FOR 6 YEARS?? Is that better?
In 6 years, you've gotten almost 4% of lower Manhattan covered with cameras - WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF THE CITY? At this rate it will take you until the year 2157 just to hang up the initial 3000 cameras!!
The Empire State Building took 1 year and 45 days to complete. -- -- The original "World Trade Center Towers" took 6 years and 8 months from ground breaking until the second tower was ready for occupancy. (The first WTC tower had started taking occupants a year earlier). The Pentagon was fully inhabited in 16 months following ground breaking!!!
Mr. Mayor, people who say you're a genius have you running for President! There's still nothing above ground after 6 years! This is genius/Presidential material???
My SECOND big problem .... with the ninety million dollar camera project, is that it becomes valuable only after something is identified by the camera. Therefore, whatever is identified is already in lower Manhattan. Even as I write this, trust me, terrorists the world over are coming up with "fail-safe" detonation systems so that the failed car bombs of London and Scotland don't happen again! You see my point? I guess my big bitch is that cameras might be a wonderful tool in identifying someone or something - but geez guys, being able to see a terrorist running away just before his car or truck or motorcycle explodes, DOESN'T STOP THE EXPLOSION! People are still going to die. Don't we want to get ahead of the event?????
Good God Almighty! I guess I expected that after nearly 6 years, New York City (and maybe even the whole country), would be pretty far along on a perfected system that would detect bomb material, before it arrived at the detonation site! Is that too much to have asked for? You know...I really don't think that the survivors of our next terrorist attack, are going to be too happy that we were able to film the bomb that killed their loved one being delivered to the detonation point. I guess if it were my loved one I'd want someone to answer why they couldn't have been stopped before they made it to Wall Street? But that's just me.
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