DEDUCTIVE REASONING (or why we shouldn't be trusting Congress anymore!)
Fact: In 1986, my hero Ronald Reagan signed into law the Simpson-Mazzoli Act. Not so much because he liked the bill in it's entirety, but because as he said, "We have to get control of our borders and this is the way to do it!"
Fact: The Simpson-Mazzoli Act granted AMNESTY to 3 million illegal aliens already in our country. We were told at the time words to the effect....OK, amnesty stinks, but grant it this time and we'll never again have to deal with illegal aliens!
Fact: During the ensuing 21 years, the 3 million illegal aliens who invaded our country, has once again grown to more than 12 million. Why? Because from 1986 to now, there has never been a concerted effort to enforce border security. Congress, (and you can look up who was controlling Congress during much of that time, but both are to blame), obfuscated the truth of an increasing alien invasion. They did their "smoke & mirrors" dance indicating that we were helping itinerant/migrant farm workers less fortunate than us. It was a 21 year period of "Give us your tired, your poor... we'll never check!" It was the realization of what America stood for in the song - right????
Fact: During the last 43 years, Senator Ted Kennedy has "championed" 7 immigration bills which have all passed in Congress. Invariably, each of these bills has resulted in higher individual taxes and greater social service expenditures to all American citizens. Each time!
Fact: In math even I can understand ..... 3 million X 4 = 12 million illegal aliens now slated to get AMNESTY under the Kennedy Immigration Bill. So, in 21 years you could say we've quadrupled our problem!
(BY THE WAY, regarding the new one in Congress has even been able to read the whole bill yet, it hasn't been "fleshed out" by the committee of august Senators writing it. Only 350 or so of the full 670 pages are available so I'm told by my Senator's office in Washington on Tuesday afternoon! Does this strike anyone as wrong or at least very odd? Voting for something you haven't read yet? "Just sign, you don't need to read it!" What does this remind you of? Now where did I put that bridge I wanted to sell you.......)
Fact: The bill currently before Congress has an added $4.5 billion dollars to pay for increased border security and enforcement. HOWEVER, did you know, this $4.5 billion dollars is to be collected from the fines levied upon the 12 million illegal aliens. Huh? Do we really think this is going to work? Collecting $4.5 billion dollars from dirt poor crop pickers and day laborers who are doing work (as Kennedy and McCain say) at a pay rate Americans would never accept. And doing work no American would ever do! Does this sound like a plausible plan for the collection of $4.5 BILLION DOLLARS?
Fact: (Here's a big one for you - don't take my word for it) .... No less than The Heritage Foundation stated in an article published on June 7th, that "the cost of retirement benefits for amnesty recipients is likely to be very large. Overall, the net cost to taxpayers of retirement benefits for amnesty recipients is likely to be at least $2.6 trillion."
OUCH!!!!!!! Oh thank you so very much, Senator Kennedy!!! We can always depend on you to spend our money - not yours!
Here's the link to the full article
Deductive Reasoning:
21 years + no border enforcement = 12 million AMNESTY recipients. (4X's the 1986 amnesty totals)
Therefore: Given the Congressional track record for championing border sovereignty/security during the last 21 years, it is safe to reason that using the same level of competence, by the year 2028 another Kennedy will be championing another AMNESTY bill for the 48 million illegal aliens who will begin invading the United States immediately after the current Kennedy Amnesty Bill is signed into law. (4 X 12 = 48 simple math again!)
Therefore: For our children's sake, we can not afford to trust Congress any longer.
PLEASE! Call your Senator's and Congressmen! I have! And I will continue to do so until this bill is defeated! Tell them that they represent you and you don't want this bill to pass! Threaten to vote against them the next election if they vote for this bill! Here's an important link to a website that will give you all your Senators and Congressmen's phone & fax numbers,
Do it to honor all those immigrants who have come here legally - like my parents and Sue's parents! And probably lots of folks in your families!
Dum Spiro Spero
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