Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hazelton Illegal Immigration Relief Act: Get Rid of Activist Judges!

Last Thursday, U.S. District Judge James Munley struck down the Hazelton Illegal Immigration Relief Act. In his 204 page ruling the Judge said that immigration is a federal issue and municipalities have no right in creating immigration statutes, and, that all people - regardless of their citizenship status have the same rights.


As you may recall, Hazelton enacted this local ordinance last year after 2 Hazelton citizens were murdered by illegal aliens. A broad summary of the ordinance…made it illegal for non-documented aliens to rent apartments in Hazelton, and also made it illegal for local businesses to hire anyone who could not furnish legal documentation of citizenship or legal residency. In signing the statute into law the Mayor of Hazelton stated that he was doing so, to protect the citizens of Hazelton. The ACLU and other activist groups flocked to Hazelton immediately, and the social & legal battle was begun!

An Attorney for the city, Kris Korbach commented after Thursdays decision, that Hazelton knew it was fighting an uphill battle early on in the case. Korbach cited a number of examples to illustrate the Court's activist stance;

  • Claiming that their Hispanic surnames might cause them to be viewed unfairly, Judge Munley allowed all Plaintiffs to take action against Hazelton by using the names "John or Jane Doe." Neither were Plaintiffs required to give their address, as addresses might indicate the area of town they came from, and be prejudicial.
  • Claiming that their appearance in Court might make them targets for anti-Hispanic reprisals, Judge Munley allowed that Plaintiff's needn't appear in Court.

As all of us learned in Junior High Civics class, one of the foundation points of the American legal system is the "right to face one's accusers." It's kind of hard to face an accuser when the Judge rules that A) all accusers can be anonymous and B) Accusers don't have to appear in Court! (Geez, if a person were paranoid they might wonder whether there were any Plaintiffs at all, or simply 'imaginary' ones made up by the ACLU to serve their purposes! Hmmmm????)

Talk about a "hostile court!" Wow! So here's what Judge Munley was saying to the Mayor and Citizens of Hazelton....

I'm going to rule against you even though you haven't had a chance to question those who accuse you of doing something wrong! You don't have that right in my Courtroom. Illegal aliens living in Hazelton who have accused you of doing something wrong have more rights than United States citizens. I will not allow you to question the legality of their statements, or their motives, or to even question their existence as Plaintiffs. I will make the decision based upon what evidence the Plaintiffs' Attorney's have presented me.

Was there ever a better example of why Activist Judges must be removed from the Judicial System? Thank God for the Appeals Court!
Keep fighting Hazelton!!!
Dum Spiro Spero!


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