Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Democrat Party Platform 2008

It's already started! The "I've heard it all before" exhale. (Geez, it's only the end of July 2007 and we've gotta listen to this "crap-o-la" for another 16 months!!!!) Last Friday and again this past Sunday you heard 2 of the major "planks" the Libs are going to use during the 2008 Election Cycle.

The first was dropped on us by feckless Harry Reid, who proudly announced - yes, proudly announced - to a gathering of Libs, that one of the greatest accomplishments of the Democrat leadership since taking back Congress, was that Congress has spent 100 days discussing what's wrong with this war, and we'll spend another 100 days if we have to!

Wow, some accomplishment Harry! 200 days discussing how the war was wrong, rather than supporting our efforts! (And all the while our enemies are listening. Wonder what effect that has?)

The second plank was furnished by the "Jheri curled" Senator Charlie Rangel (D-NY) who whined during an appearance on the Sunday news shows; "There were no WMD's in Iraq, we were there for the oil!"

(That's right Senator, we've all been getting such a big financial boost from all the "free" oil we're sending back...why, I bet we'll never have to spend more than a dollar a gallon! Right?) Boy, what a schmuck!!

Just you wait. Mark my words as of today July 31, 2007, here are the other major planks in the "Libocrat" party platform for 2008. You'll be hearing the Liberal candidates and their organizations 'spew' this stuff before too long. Hang this from your refrigerator and check 'em off as you hear them!

Foreign Relations Platform Planks

  • George Bush lied to the American people. He played on our fears. (Taken directly from the Albore rant) Americans need to understand the world better, and be more like Europe - preferably France.
  • Iraq was never an enemy. There were never any WMD's. Iraq was revenge against Saddam trying to kill Bush 41!
  • We were in Iraq for the oil; we should have never left Afghanistan!
  • Cheney wanted Halliburton to get all the no bid contracts.
  • American troops going to Iraq are the only reason the insurgency happened.
  • If Americans weren't in Muslim countries there wouldn't be a problem!
  • There are only a few Muslim extremists, & they have a right to fight against expansionist / imperialist American forces.
  • Global Warming is the most important issue facing the world.

Domestic Relations Platform Planks

  • Republicans want to take away all individual rights.
  • Republicans are spying on all of us.
  • Republicans want to break up families, and take children away from their parents.
  • George Bush took us to war illegally, he knew about 9/11 before it happened.
  • The Executive Branch of government has too much power; we need a system more like the U.K.'s Parliament.
  • We don't need stronger borders we need to enact the Security & Prosperity Project (www.spp.gov)
  • There are no "illegal aliens" only "undocumented Americans!"
  • George Bush has torn us apart and caused "the two Americas!"
  • The rich don't pay enough taxes!
  • Governmental Health Care is the only way to go!
  • Government can answer all your questions, can take care of you, and help you make all your decisions. Big government is good government!
  • Government will only tax you if you have more than somebody else. That's fair isn't it?

For some reason I feel so prescient today!

Clinton / Obama 2008

Oyyyy! I really am starting to feel sick....

Dum Spiro Spero!


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