Something Interesting for Everyone! The Nolan Chart Survey
I have something interesting for everyone to do today.
Something that will take less than 5 minutes to complete - but will leave you thinking for many days afterward.
This fun exercise has absolutely NOTHING to do with my beliefs - but has ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING to do with your beliefs!
I predict that many of you will be shocked!!!
So go ahead . . . CLICK on the link below . . . complete the chart . . . and then read about what it means.
What it means to you. What it means to me. And what it means for our country.
When you've finished, get your wife or husband; your boyfriend or girlfriend to take it! Parents, have your kids take it. (You might be surprised at how your children's thoughts are being "shaped" in schools today!) Pass it around electronically like I'm doing, to your friends in college, or at work. Send it to your address book contacts. If it's easier for you, simply FORWARD this note.
EVERY American should enjoy filling out the chart. Come on! Participate in your country's development. Hell, since we're already "spreading the wealth around," why not spread around the principles (and understanding) of American governance & political thought?
Don't worry - it won't bite! What are you afraid of? Chicken? Have something more important to do?? Come on - 5 minutes!
Like Joe Biden says....."be an American!"
[If you'd like, feel free to let me know where you fell on the chart. In the coming weeks I'll reveal to everyone where I fell....(as if you all, didn't already know!)]
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