Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hey Jews!!! WAKE UP!!!

    [To anyone getting this posting who is not Jewish - please feel free to pass it on to your Jewish friends!]

Here is an open invitation to any of my Jewish friends, who would like to answer a question & send a comment to me on an issue impacting Jewish survival.

Question: Why would anyone of Jewish faith or ancestry support Barack Hussein Obama?

I asked myself this question first during 2007 and 2008, because I couldn't put my arms around a consistently plausible answer OTHER than .... there are a good many liberal Jewish people, who have always supported "democratic ideals and causes." But even during his initial forays into the primary campaign - Barack Obama had and was making comments that frankly scared me.


Some personal history ...... I grew up in West Orange, New Jersey during the 1950's. A beautiful small town in Essex County, New Jersey with a pretty sizable Jewish population. I learned early in my childhood about the horrors of the Holocaust. Many of my friends parents, or grandparents had loved ones lost to the Nazi atrocities. Unfortunately, during my adolescent years some terrorist blew up a Temple in West Orange. Still being relatively stupid, since this didn't concern my Lutheran faith - I really didn't keep tabs on whether anyone was caught for this crime. I confess to being ignorant and self absorbed. I apologize now for the ignorance and inaction. I've never lost that feeling of not doing something to help hang the bastards that blew up that Temple!


So... now America has elected a Democratic President. Largely, with the support of many Jewish voters. (I'd love to know the percentage of Jewish Americans who voted for Obama in 2008?) 
  • Now.... you have a President in Washington who bows & scrapes to Arab dignitaries and holds photo ops with socialist dictators!
  • A President who is more concerned with Jews in Israel building homes in Jerusalem, than he is with "Achmadinejhad" getting the atomic bomb!
  • A President who makes a rule that we are no longer allowed to refer to "Islamic radicalism" or "the war on terror" because it might offend Muslims; but thinks nothing of walking out of a dinner with the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu - thereby insulting one of Americas greatest allies!
Great guy ain't he? Why should Jews worry?

What message is Obama sending to Israel or our other allies? What message is Obama sending to Tehran and our enemies?

Since the early 1990's there have been 18 separate instances of nuclear material being stolen or going missing. Comforting thought right? Gee I wonder where they went????

Almost monthly we hear of Iran and the "I'm a dinner jacket" guy talking about how many more centrifuges they are bringing on line in order to enrich Plutonium. This is the same crazed psychopath who has already said that Israel should be wiped off the map!!  Does anyone, anywhere - have the slightest doubt - that Iran will ABSOLUTELY try to bomb Israel once they get "the bomb?"  I mean if anyone doubts this - you've gotta be nuts!!!

What would one nuclear bomb detonated against Israel do to the State of Israel???
What does it say about the U.S., letting these sworn enemies of our allies, continue to work toward getting the atomic bomb.... when they've already told us THEY'RE-GOING-TO-USE- IT!!!!!  HAVE WE ALL TAKING LEAVE OF OUR SENSES???????


But Obama is worried about new construction in Jerusalem! Oyyyyy!!! Holy shit!!!!!
Why would you continue to support this guy??? Please tell me???
Dum Spiro Spero!
Sic semper tyrannis!!!


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