Sunday, April 11, 2010

"Wile E. Obama - SuperGenius!"

Sometimes I swear, this has to be printed on B. H. Obama's business card. Well, at least the "SuperGenius" part!!!


I mean, we're forever being reminded by the papers & the media that he's just the smartest person who's ever been IN, let alone occupied, the White House. For God sake, Frank Rich and Chris Matthews regularly reach ecstasy just by hearing him speak

And when we're not being reminded in writing .... well, there he is on television making appearance after appearance with that haughty, chin-raised smirky, smarmy Haavaaard grin. As if he's saying to all of us..."see what I can do. I'm so much better than you."  Soo smart! What else could explain his latest "master stroke" of Obama genius - he's just smarter!

Many of you might have missed this last week, but just a day after "Stretch" Pelosi climbed aboard "Botox One" and flew her tax-payer paid-for traveling Botox hunt back to SanFran .... and just a day after the rest of the "Obama Adoration Society" better known as Congress left for their "spring break," our resident genius Wile E. Coyote Obama decided to show us just how smart he really is.


Fresh off his healthcare "landslide" victory, and with no one left in Washington to question his actions, he decided he would bypass Congress and install 15 appointments that have been BLOCKED by Congress for a number of months. Now, don't get crazy on me, I know "recess appointments" are not unusual. Clinton did it - both Bush's did it - virtually every modern President has done it. But no one has done it with more GENIUS than Barack Hussein Obama!!  Check this out ....

  • Having already defied over 60% of the American population who said they DIDN'T want healthcare reform, just days previously.
  • After LYING to the American people no less than 8 separate times, saying that all Healthcare debates would be carried live on C-SPAN.
  • After breaking his promise to EVERY AMERICAN of posting every bill that comes before him on the internet for a period of 5 days, so the American people can read every bill that he reads, and voice their opinion to him.  
This one is just priceless. PRICELESS!!!  (Oh yeah, and it's so smart!!!)

Wile E. Obama, or Barack Coyote Obama has just appointed a former A.F.L. - C.I.O. General Counsel (read this union lawyer) to one of just 5 seats on the National Labor Relations Board!  This would be simply bizarre, if it wasn't so STUPID!


For those of you who don't know, the National Labor Relations Board is the "supreme court" of governance & arbitration in issues concerning legality between unionized workforces and management. The NLRB is a separate Federal agency established by Congress in 1935 to administer the National Labor Relations Act, the basic law governing relations between labor unions and the employers whose operations affect interstate commerce. On the U.S. Supreme Court there are 9 justices; on the NLRB there are 5 seats.


To lawyers - the US Supreme Court is the tip of the spear; to Company's & business leaders - the NLRB is just as important!!! Got it?


As such, it is essential that the 5 seats on the Board are occupied by individuals who are BEYOND REPROACH. They must be "SQUEAKY CLEAN" - THERE MUST BE NO QUESTION REGARDING THEIR IMPARTIALITY!!!! So what does the smartest man who's ever entered the White House do???? He appoints an AFL-CIO union lawyer to fill one of the seats, AND to compound his stupidity, he appoints another New York labor attorney to fill another one of the seats. THIS MEANS THAT BEFORE ANY ISSUE IS EVEN ARGUED BEFORE THE BOARD - 2 OF 5 VOTES ARE IN THE POCKET OF THE UNIONS, ORGANIZED LABOR!!!


Let me make sure all of you understand this....

  • This is like making your ex-wife's divorce lawyer, the Judge in your current divorce case!
  • This is like making domestic terrorist Bill Ayers the Commandant of the Marine Corp. or the Secretary of the Navy!
  • For all of my Catholic friends - this is like making Reverend Jeremiah Wright, the Pope! 
  • This is like putting a Botox addicted Liberal in charge of healthcare reform! (oh, never mind)

Why am I not surprised??? 
He's our President.........Wile E. Obama - SuperGeniius!  
    Sic Semper Tyrannis!!!


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