Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Obama and the New Pair of Shoes.......

Let's say one of your children needs a new pair of shoes for school, or perhaps a new pair of sneakers. What's that cost - $75 maybe $100 bucks?? Would you go out and buy them a fully furnished house or condo??? You wouldn't????

Then why are "We The People"  allowing President Obama and Congress to completely throw out the best healthcare system in the world...in order to provide benefits for a little less than 4% of the American population????? 

  • In 10 years Obama's healthcare will cost YOU taxpayers very nearly $1 TRILLION dollars ... while saving only an estimated $81 BILLION, BUT still leaving over 25 million Americans UNINSURED!
  • (Wasn't uninsured Americans the problem Obama promised to fix in the first place???)
  • Why not have the Congressional Budget Office figure out how much it would cost to insure the 12 million Americans currently uninsured and then give those Americans coverage ?? If that would cost $81 billion - it might be worth it.
Let me repeat the last bullet point...
  • Why not have the Congressional Budget Office figure out how much it would cost to insure the 12 million Americans currently uninsured and then give those Americans coverage ?? If that would cost $81 billion - it might be worth it.
  • THEN, you could leave the rest of the BEST HEALTHCARE SYSTEM IN THE WORLD alone.
  • Mr. President, if you really want to create greater competition (like you always say you do)....make it possible for all Americans to shop for healthcare insurance across State lines - thereby increasing free market competition and preventing insurance monopolies. (What? Too Capitalist for you? Try this last reason on for size...I think you'll like it!!)
  • If you fix only the part of our healthcare system that's broken - you know, covering those Americans that don't have health care - It's going to be much cheaper and ALL AMERICANS win ..... and you're still the Hero!!!
Geez Mister President, if an idiot truck driver can see it this clearly.....I'd of thought a Harvard educated great legal professor and Nobel Laureate like you would be able to understand this K.I.S.S. formula for American Healthcare

    Sic Semper Tyrannis!!!!


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