Saturday, October 10, 2009

This Week's amazing "Dumb Stuff"

This week we received word that the health care bill put together by Montana Senator Max Baucus, would cost another $829 BILLION over the next 10 years and would only "save"  $81 BILLION over that same 10 year period.  At the same time that the Congressional Budget Office put out this information they also noted that after that 10 year period  (wait for it) ...... there would still be 25,000,000 Americans that would not be covered by health care!!

Wasn't the whole FUCKING purpose of rushing and pushing through universal healthcare IMMEDIATELY so that ALL Americans would then be covered by healthcare? I don't remember President Floppy Ear's saying he wanted to cover All Americans - except for 25 million!
Wasn't it the PROMISE from the Obama-nation Administration that America would only start to become a good & fair country AFTER EVERYBODY was covered by universal healthcare???? WELL WASN'T THAT THE BRILLIANT OBAMA PLAN??? 

So someone explain to me (because apparently I'm a MORON) how these JERK-Offs in Congress and the White House can expect you and me to allow them to spend ANOTHER $829 BILLION of (pardon me-again)  MY FUCKING MONEY for a "product" that won't even accomplish what it was supposed to accomplish in another 10 years. WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME BEFORE MY EYEBALLS EXPLODE!!!

WHY AREN'T THESE PEOPLE IN CONGRESS ALREADY IN PRISON???  Someone bring some chains and a few locks - and the next time we get all these SCHMUCKS together in the same building, let's just chain and lock the doors closed. I guarantee you that these 550 JERK-Off's  don't have the brain power between than to find a way out. They'll all die of starvation before they can solve the problem!

****** ****** ******

Second "Dumb Stuff" occurrence of the week. President Barack Hussein Obama ("mmm-mmm-mmm!"), was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace. When I heard this announcement - I laughed so hard I almost drove my rig into a bridge abutment! FOR WHAT???? What has the man done in 9 months to QUALIFY him for the Nobel Peace Prize? Later in the day it was leaked that he was nominated for the award, ONLY 12 days after he was sworn in as President.  Really, that makes it even more unbelievable!!!
And furthermore, according the the Nobel Selection Committee he was awarded the prize ......(and this makes it priceless) ....... not for what he had done - BUT FOR WHAT HE STANDS FOR. Holy Shit!!  He STANDS for apologizing for The United States in every foreign speech he makes! He STANDS for quadrupling the national dept in 9 months - and spending more money in that short period than all the other American Presidents COMBINED! He STANDS for everything the Founders of this country warned us against!!!

And he has now become the answer to a trivia question......... Name three national leaders, who accomplished exactly the OPPOSITE of what the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to them for?  

ANSWER:   Who are President Yasser Arafat - former President Jimmy Carter - and current President Barack Hussein Obama ("mmm-mmm-mmm") 

Barack Hussein Obama ("mmm-mmm-mmm") 
Barack Hussein Obama ("mmm-mmm-mmm") 
Barack Hussein Obama ("mmm-mmm-mmm") 
Barack Hussein Obama ("mmm-mmm-mmm") 

DUM SPIRO SPERO  ("mmm-mmm-mmm") 
    Sic Semper Tyrannis!!!  ("mmm-mmm-mmm") 



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