Two Simple Problems Obama Can't Fix!!!
PROBLEMS.......Geez, do we have problems!
Two of them are particularly troubling to me.
One occurs overseas and the other occurs domestically.
Both of them have varied origins .... and are perpetuated and exacerbated by a number of issues.
Every day I get more frantic! I'm simply going out of my mind because, (at least for me), the answers to these problems appear to be pretty "basic." The solutions come from where all good solutions come from..... our past - and from our parents.
When I was growing up my teachers always taught us, "Those who don't learn from the past, are destined to repeat it." Which brings me to our first problem. Did any of you know that we spend $180 million dollars a day fighting the war in Afghanistan? Why? Well, primarily it's because we place so many "restrictions" on our military in carrying out the war. And any restrictions we don't place on ourselves, we allow other countries and organizations to place on us. That's just another way of me saying, we spend almost $200 million a day KNOWINGLY fighting with one of our arms tied behind our backs. Simply put - we're fighting a "limited" war. It's like we're trying to make this a "fair" fight!
There are two additional associated "anti-strategies," which make this problem all the more ridiculous! On the one hand we "telegraph" all of our next strategies to the enemy every night on the local news broadcasts; while at the very same time we DISALLOW our various Special Forces Groups the ability to operate clandestinely & unfettered in the war zone - and do what they do best - kill and demoralize the enemy by all means possible and available to them, and to gather all necessary intelligence.
I wonder how many of you realize that by fighting a limited war, we actually help the enemy beat us, and in the process kill our own soldiers? Did you catch that? I wonder how many of you truly understand that by fighting a "limited" war, we actually help the enemy beat us, and in the process kill our own soldiers? Let me put it a different way - by allowing Congress and the Press the ability to approve or disapprove our military actions, we kill our own military personnel & children. How? Because we allow military strategy & action to be placed into the hands of politicians and news anchors rather than with military Generals. Is this the fair fight you wanted? America, do you understand how SPECTACULARLY stupid this strategy is???
WAR by its very nature was never intended to be fair or limited! I thought as a country we would have learned this after Viet Nam - You can't wage a limited war! Wars have never been fair - each side has always sought the greatest military edge in order to overwhelm and annihilate the enemy. War has always been brutal! BRUTAL - OVERWHELMING - ANNIHILATION. Three words that describe why wars are always a last resort! In the case of the United States, three words that Congress and the White House have forgotten.
Is there anyone out there in the "Neverland of Liberalism" who will have the 'cahones' to tell me, that if the United States and the Coalition of Countries had promulgated the GLOBAL WAR ON TERRORISM using withering, brutal force against the enemy, we wouldn't have WON this war years ago???
And here we are....years later and many thousands of beautiful, young lives later, waiting for an inexperienced ultra-liberal college professor to decide whether he's going to listen to the combat staffing recommendations of the agreed upon "expert" in the field, General McCrystal .... or whether he's going to listen to the military geniuses named "Pelosi, Reid, Kerry, and Schumer!"
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I can't say our second problem is easy in comparison to the first, but at least nobody is "shooting" at us yet!
Growing up in my family, my parents always got a chuckle out of people "spending over their heads," because Mom & Dad rarely did!! They were scared as hell to owe anybody anything! "You save until you have the money and then you buy! The time saving will also show you if you really need what you're planning to buy!" It always sounded like pretty solid advice to me growing up - and only once or twice did I go against the logic, and ALWAYS when I did, it cost me big time!!! So naturally, my kids got the same indoctrination - and naturally, both of them went against the logic once or twice - and naturally it cost them big time as well - but here we're only talking a couple of thousand dollars! Sure they were expensive lessons for children to learn .... but happily the family survived the learning process!
I don't know if our country is going to survive the spending and taxing that's already gone on in 9 months of the Obama Administration taking office. Or if any of us are going to survive the taxing that's going to be coming our way once all of his "spread MY wealth" programs take effect in 2012 or 2013!!
In the years of my lifetime that made up the "B.O. Era," (that's the Before Obama Era. Roughly the years from 1951 through 2008), when you heard the term "billions" it was a rare experience. (In all honesty I think the first time I became acutely aware of the term was when I heard that Microsoft Guru, Bill Gates was worth over a billion dollars some years back.) But not anymore! Spending billions has become the "mark" of this administration. To listen to news accounts, unless we're spending hundreds of billions to solve one problem or another in Obama's list of "must do - right now," it isn't even news-worthy!
Check this out.....just six months into his already QUADRUPLE-SIZED White House Administration.....Obama's HAD TO HAVE ..... a) a $787,000,000,000 Stimulus Bill (Laden with pork, but guaranteed to hold unemployment to less than 8%) and b) a $410,000,000,000 omnibus spending bill. On top of that he has c) an additional $645,000,000,000 in cap-and-trade energy taxes waiting to be approved by Congress and now he SIMPLY HAS TO HAVE d) a healthcare reform bill that his own Office of Management and Budget has forecast will cost way more than $1 TRILLION in its first 10 years of operation.
And the beautiful part of Obama's strategy ....... two key things.
1) After spending ALL OUR MONEY on his socialist healthcare scheme - 25 MILLION people still won't be covered by the very healthcare plan that was designed and implemented to cover them! But Obama pleads he simply must have it - so let's spend what we already don't have!!!
2) And this is the brilliant part.........None of the overburdening tax problems will be implemented until 2012 or 2013! So socialist Obama will be able to get re-elected because his true-believers will not have been hit with the $4000 dollars in additional annual expenses the new healthcare plan will cost each family, (estimate from Congressional Budget Office); nor will they have been hit yet by the estimated $1800 dollars in additional annual taxes levied on each family because of the cap-and-trade energy plan Congress is getting ready to pass shortly, (estimate from Congressional Budget Office).
But I'm sure that every household in America has at least an additional $5800 that they'll be ecstatic to give our Savior (pardon me) President Barack Hussein Obama! WHY? Because he's bringing us "change and hope" and Chairman, (excuse me) President Obama says we have to spend so others will have. And as as Vice Chairman (excuse me) Comrade.... (excuse me - I don't know what I was thinking) Vice - President Biden tells us, "It's time to be patriotic!" So, we'll all have to spread our wealth around like good little socialists (ummm) comrades (ummm) patriots!!!
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs)." Is a slogan popularized by Karl Marx in his 1875 Critique of the Gotha Program. Saul Alinsky a radical Chicago organizer who taught liberally from many Marx doctrines, preached this slogan to all who would listen to him! Barack Obama is a "student" and true believer of Saul Alinsky. Saul Alinsky - it's noteworthy - dedicated his book "Rules for Radicals" to one of his hero's .... Lucifer. That's right, the Devil. You can look it up!
Ah yes! It's great to be living in America under the "enlightened leadership" of Barack Hussein Obama. Hope and Change - Change and Hope. From each - To each. Hope and Change - Change and Hope, interchangeable. From each - To each. Hope and Change - Change and Hope. From each - To each!!!! We all share - we all move forward.
Sic Semper Tyrannis!!!!!
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