Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Another message for our children...THINK! What is he trying to do?

If you're an American college student reading this posting, all I ask is that you follow the logic of my statements, and think about what you are seeing happen to YOUR country.
Set aside for the moment, the promises you've heard. (Like when a boy whispers he loves you as he's slipping your clothes off!) Think about what you've seen happen in the last 8 months. Does all of it seem logical? Can 10% of the population really support the rest of the population for the rest of their lives? And what happens when you've taken away the wealth from "the wealthy?" Who's going to want to work - if you don't get to keep what you've worked for?

All I ask is that you think about this - and pass it along.

Think about it.

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I'm just stunned....
The last eight months has simply stunned me.
I just can't believe that an American President could ever be this reckless....(I'm less surprised that the American Press would NOT report this recklessness - and at times even champions it! But that doesn't surprise me so much. They no longer report the news, they report what they want to be true.)
Nor can I believe that there are still Americans, who do not see the destructiveness and peril our President has placed our country in!

Make no mistake children - this dismantling of the structure of our Republic is NOT a game!

* This is not something that after burning it down, you can just return to your classrooms and everything will be alright!

* This is not some campus rally that you and your boy/girl friend can go to, deride the United States for an hour or two, burn a couple of flags, return to your dorm room and fuck a little, and everything will be OK!

* This is not the "flower power" hippie movement of the 60's your Mom & Dad told you about! You can't just "tune in, turn on and drop out" as Timothy Leary preached back then.

* You can't just turn this stuff off once you figure out your freedoms are gone and it ain't so great!

* Wasn't it Obama who taught you, "Words matter!" Well guess what...so do actions! And his actions are causing CONSEQUENCES!

* Regardless of what your college professors are telling you - you can't just "try" socialism for a while! And if these same Professors would be honest with you, socialism is NOT the UTOPIAN "masterpiece" they portray it to be. (Please don't believe them, but hey - don't believe me either - hell I'm 58 - just investigate Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, China, North Korea, and even the Social Democracies that have failed in the past... like my home country of Sweden).

There's a reason socialism and collectivism has failed every time it's been tried!!! Figure it out, you're smart!

Unfortunately for ALL OF US, the actions taken by the President of the United States during the last 8 months have already had monumental negative effects on our society.

How many of your parents, or neighbors parents have lost their jobs? Do any of you have any friends that couldn't return to school this fall semester because they couldn't afford it? I thought Obama said all these jobs were going to be created?

Well, just answer yourself this question, how do you gain jobs when your actions have closed down hundreds of banks, mortgage companies, and other financial institutions; caused builders to stop building homes and apartments; and closed down entire auto corporations and their dealerships? Does it seem logical that you'd gain jobs by doing these things?

And didn't The President promise us that if he got to spend his "Stimulus Bill" ($787 Billion dollars) unemployment would be held to below 8%?
So why is unemployment now at 9.5%?? And if you're gaining all these jobs & spending all this "stimulus" shouldn't unemployment be going down????

You could easily ask, "Where's the plan Stan?" The Beatles sang a song that said, "You say you want a revolution well ya know, we'd all like to see your plan." That's ALWAYS been the problem with "revolutionaries" like socialists, Marxists, Leninists, Communists, and all other "progressives" down through the decades...they NEVER, EVER have an actual plan! Oh they speak about "changing society and sharing with everyone"...which all sounds great! But they can never figure out how to do it! And Obama's no different! He's got all these great "cosmic" ideas...but the guy has never done anything! The most he's ever been able to do in Chicago is work at ways to take from one group and give it to another. That's NOT progress - that's tearing down what's existing and establishing another entitlement group!

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One of President Obama's early and influential mentors was a community organizer in Chicago named Saul Alinsky. Alinsky dedicated his book "Rules for Radicals" to Lucifer. No shit, he dedicated his book to the Devil!!! Alinsky called Lucifer, "...the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment, and did it so effectively he at least won his own kingdom!" (Hard to argue with that logic, huh? Hell's gotta be some kind of paradise right!)

But Alinsky's logic models much of the way President Obama ran his campaign and has run the first 8 months of his Presidency. Alinsky said, "Radicals must have a degree of control over the flow of events." Whoa!, President Obama certainly learned this tactic.

He's controlled the media perfectly. He's moved so quickly and changed gears and directions so adroitly, that not even his own party can keep up with him, let alone the American people! Whenever someone tries to pin him down on an issue or concern, he simply moves to a different issue. He never answers questions or criticisms specifically - he merely holds another press conference changing the verbiage and thrust of his desires.

Think about this....in eight months have you heard a DEFINITIVE stance on any of his major campaign promises? Obama talks obliquely, because this allows him to always claim he was misunderstood. He knows that if he's too specific, he can get pinned down, and people will see through his charade. Then his bubble will burst. Oh yeah, President Obama is quite the expert dancer!

Alinsky also said, "The organizer's job is to get people pregnant with hope and a desire for change." Well, could there ever be a better description of Obama's entire candidacy, his campaign, or the first 8 months of his administration? My God - can you remember people on the campaign trail saying, "of course I'm going to vote for Obama! He's going to pay off my college loans, my car payment and my mortgage!" Or when asked why they were voting for Obama they actually said, "Well he's for hope and change." Man did he learn that lesson well!

Finally, the President has done nothing to dispel the belief that he will still do all these things! He continues to hold press conferences and "town halls" where he promises he's going to spread around the wealth of the "haves" to those that "have not." (Another "textbook" Alinsky tactic I might add. The creation of a struggle between the "haves" and the "have nots.")


But you never hear him say how he's going to accomplish his goal! When he's pushed for specifics, he says he's going to have his "expert" give you the details shortly! He maintains his aura of "savior"... so he never has to deliver on any of his promises!

And because the Press simply slobbers over themselves trying to outdo one-another telling you what a wonderful savior Obama is .... he can keep waltzing through his Presidency saying, "Believe in me. Remember...hope & change. That's me. Just remember...hope & change!"

One of my hero's Ben Franklin said a long time ago, "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the Republic!" With Obama, the masses think they have found a way to get something for nothing. They have found their golden goose. They have found the man who is going to "show them the money!" Obama has become Oprah giving away cars!

Unfortunately, you can't eat hope, and change ain't going to pay all these bills! And pretty soon the people are going to find out he can't make good on his promises. Oh, is there going to be hell to pay that day! From both sides.

Sic Semper Tyrannis!!


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