Congressional Benefit Plans - one way to force a change!
(originally mailed August 25th. 2009)
The more I think about something I said last week - the more I like it!
As a matter of fact I think it's one of the better ideas I've ever had! (Not conceit...well maybe just a little...but actually a pretty damn good idea!)
I think that all Americans should band together and gather petitions in every state and "hamlet" throughout this wonderful country! These petitions will have one purpose alone......
"We the undersigned do hereby DEMAND that all members of the United States Congress and their family members, as well as all members of the President's family, and all his appointees (including Cabinet members & special Czars) and their family members, be immediately transferred into the health care plans available to active duty military personnel and their families. In addition, NO ONE in the groups mentioned above will be allowed to "opt out" and purchase private insurance."
Of course there's a reason why healthcare benefits for Americans has always been such a hard problem to unravel....Congress and the President, (in fact all members of the Federal bureaucracy) don't have the same healthcare problems that most of us American citizens have!
They have quietly created for themselves and their families a separate and distinct "class" of citizenry. They are the "self promoted aristocracy" in this country. They make the rules for everyone else - but set themselves apart! Talk about absolute despotism and elitism - this is it! Congress selects its benefits from a "menu" of more than 18 plans. From what I've been able to glean via the internet - Senators and Congressmen once elected, can basically stop worrying about any healthcare cost issues, for them and their families, for the rest of their lives! And just to make you all a bit more angry...their pensions and retirement benefits are even more lucrative! Why do you think that they fight so hard to get re-elected? The real "fleecing" of America is being done by the "grinning imbeciles" on Capitol Hill!!! (Think especially here of Pelosi, Schumer, Kerry, Frank & Dodd. Have you ever before seen five bigger grinning mental defectives in your entire life?? I take that back - I'm sorry, I apologize - that's overly offensive to people with mental impairments!)
Bottom line is, this ISN'T why we elected any of them - to feed off of us even AFTER they have left office! So let's make an immediate change! Let's bring them all back to reality in a really big way. Let's require them to be covered by the same benefit plan they voted on which is currently in effect for all active duty military personnel and their families. You want to see an upgrade to the military healthcare coverage's - this is the way to guarantee it happening very quickly!
Dum Spiro Spero
Sic Semper Tyrannis!!!
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