Friday, September 26, 2008


Old joke right! HIS LIPS ARE MOVING!!

Unfortunately at this critical moment in the economic history of our nation, this scurrilous cretin is LYING to ALL OF US!!! And the truly criminal issue here, is that the mainstream media will NEVER report Dodd's culpability and criminality to the country - because it benefits their purposes not to!!!

But I'm here to tell you the truth as succinctly as I can.
Both yesterday and today (this morning Dodd was interviewed on the Don Imus show - WABC radio), I listened while Chris Dodd (D - Conn.) energetically and emotionally told the listening audience that it was "this administration" that had caused this needless financial crisis by not listening when the plan administrators told them there was a crisis.

Yesterday, Dodd could be seen screaming into the camera's & microphones at a televised news conference, that "those who oversaw Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac" had failed to provide adequate oversight during the last 8 years! (His "inference" again, by using the "8 year" reference was that it was President George Bush who caused this crisis.)
Additionally, and without missing a beat, Dodd insisted that Presidential candidate John McCain had been "grandstanding" by suspending his campaign and returning to Washington to assist during the crisis.


Sorry. There's only a few small problems with Dodd's well choreographed emotional tirades during the last 36 hours.......

What Dodd, (who has never been one to let the TRUTH or the FACTS get in the way of his personal aggrandizement), failed to state for the record, is that the beginning of this Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac fiasco began in 1992 (or '93) when the Clinton administration was busy looking for more votes. At that time President Clinton demanded that Congress pressure the banking industry to increase low-cost loans and mortgages to low and middle income an effort to allow everyone to realize "the American dream" of home ownership. Consequently, Congress pressed, banks caved, and low-cost mortgages were issued to millions of people.

[ BTW NOTE: I have no problem with the Clinton White House pressuring Congress and the banking industry in order to give more people the chance at homeownership. It's even laudatory in many respects. HOWEVER, someone in the banking industry should have told someone in the Clinton White House that the people getting these loans ... had to have at least SOME potential of affording the costs of the loans! ]

The FIRST LIE Dodd is responsible for telling Americans is that "those responsible for overseeing these organizations" failed to do their jobs. His implication being that George Bush was to blame.

The TRUTH is that Chris Dodd and Barnie Frank ARE the respective heads of the Congressional Committee's that OVERSEE Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. As such it is Chris Dodd and Barnie Frank who failed to do their jobs!!! (Geez, how big of a scumbag do you have to be to tell this lie straight-faced into a camera???!!!)

The SECOND LIE Dodd perpetrated was to state that "this administration" had failed to recognize the crisis.

This is a LIE on two points and easily checkable. 1st: Even a glancing check of the historical record will show that Dodd's favorite President, William Jefferson Clinton was the party who first pressured Congress to secure low-cost housing loans for low and middle income Americans. Even Barnie Frank referenced this during the past week! 2nd: President Bush has tried on a DOCUMENTED number of occasions to get Congress to recognize and deal with the oncoming financial train-wreck. In addition, Dodd failed to mention that John McCain began voicing loud concerns about the growing mortgage crisis early in 2007. Once again it was Barnie Frank who replied that "these entities are solvent and I fear that any more discussion about the issue or increased oversight will see a reduction in low income housing."

The THIRD LIE Dodd is guilty of, is perhaps the greatest of all, because it is a lie of INTENTIONAL OMISSION. This is the lie where Dodd forgets to tell his constituents in Connecticut and the rest of the American population, that he has profited from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributions. In fact, Dodd is #1 in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac contributions...followed second by Baracka Hussein Obama and John Kerry in third place.

In a related story, Baracka Hussein Obama's chief financial advisor received $96,000,000 in salary payments for the 6 years he was "running" Fannie Mae. That's a slick 16 million a year! (Great gig if you can find it huh?)

In summary, what you'll NEVER hear from the network news shows nor the driveby media pundits is that in large measure Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and a majority of past & present congressional "thieves" used Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as their own personal PETTY CASH BOX.

FEW are guiltless of taking money.
ALL are guilty - because they knew about it and didn't put a stop to it!

The Honor Code at The Citadel states "A cadet does not lie, cheat or steal, nor tolerate those who do." For hundreds of years at The Citadel, at Annapolis, West Point, and at the Air Force Academy the same HONOR CODE has molded the integrity and character of the men and women who wear the uniform of our country.

Should we not be able to demand the same code of honor from those who swear that they will govern our country?

For LYING to all of us, Chris Dodd should be immediately impeached from his Congressional office. He should be jailed for his offenses. I can only hope that while in prison, his "honor" be stripped from him once he is in the prison population, (by a large man named "Tiny").

Always remember..... His lips were moving!

And we elected him and allow him to fester and misguide our country!!!

Dum Spiro Spero!


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