Sunday, November 11, 2007

Less than one year before the election...Learning from polls.

There appeared a report in the Chattanooga Times Free Press on Wednesday of this week, that exposes just how differently "we" see things here in this country.

Seems a company named "Public Opinion Strategies" in Alexandria Virginia took a poll of 800 likely voters earlier this year. (For those of you looking for a reason to discount the polling data, be advised that the company is listed as a Republican public affairs research firm). These 800 people were asked to rate 12 critical issues facing our country today on a scale of 1 through 10; with 10 representing an "extremely important" issue, and 1 being "not important at all."

Of those 800 people, 61% overall said "winning the war on terror" was extremely important - a "10." Followed closely by 58% saying that "ending the war in Iraq" was nearly as important - call it a "9+."

What's remarkable - even stunning to me - is how differently many issues were rated based upon the respondents self-stated political affiliation. Republican - Independent - Democrat. In all honesty gang, it is as different as red - white - and blue! I'm just going to hit the major points, but just look at the differences!

For Democrats and Independents - #1 was ending the war in Iraq! Winning the war on terror was near the bottom of the list for Democrats and Independents.

For Republicans - #1 was winning the war on terror (77%), followed immediately by #2 -winning the war in Iraq (60%). Ending the war in Iraq came in near the bottom on the Republican list!

At the bottom of the list for Democrats and Independents were 9) illegal immigration, 10) winning the Iraq war, 11) lowering taxes, and 12) oil exploration. (Interestingly, both groups rated these last 4 issues in the same order. Does this mean that those who consider themselves independent are really Democrats?)

Republicans ranked winning the Iraqi war - second; illegal immigration - third; the need for oil exploration - sixth; and lowering taxes - tenth!

I've written to the reporter to see if I can get a copy of the report. If that doesn't work I'll get hold of the research firm that did the survey. It would appear that there is some really interesting information contained there. I'll let you know if I'm successful.

Something to think about in the meantime. I was reading through some of my favorite political speeches the other day, and I gotta tell you All-of-us have forgotten too much of what Jack Kennedy "taught" us.

"For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal." - JFK Commencement Address, American University, June 1963

Dum Spiro Spero!


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