QUICKY! Accusations & Contradictions
I read the transcripts of Osama bin Laden's latest propaganda video over the weekend, and watched as dozens of American "experts" gave myriad interpretations of what his ramblings "foretold" for the United States, (and "infidels" in general)!
In one part of his speech ObL lectures us by saying, "The leaders of the West -- especially Bush, Blair, Sarkozy and Brown -- still talk about freedom and human rights with a flagrant disregard for the intellects of human beings."
As a response, I'd ask Mr. bin Laden to justify his flagrant disregard for freedom, human rights and the intellect of human beings - - when instructing Muslims to "kill all infidels where ever you find them," and beseeching parents to allow their beloved children to become "homicide/suicide bombers."
"Yeah, ya see Osama .... I can't think of a single religious group in either Britain, France, or the U.S. that's going around telling parishioners to kill other people & promising 72 virgins to believers who kill themselves. See, the suicide part would cut way down on the size of congregations and weekly almsgiving! It's sort of self-defeating don't ya think? "
In another part of his message, he jokes about the mortgage and subprime interest rate problems here in the States - and uses it as a potential recruiting tool for Islam, saying that we should join them because the tax rate for muslims is much lower! Isn't it cool that a terrorist, living in a cave somewhere is so interested about current financial events in the United States! I guess even with his engineering degree, and maybe an issue of "FORTUNE," he's forgotten that in the free market capitalist system, the market goes up and the market goes down. Don't worry about us, we'll ride out the economic waves just fine Osama!
"And how do you as a so-called leader of Islam, justify the "human cost" of keeping entire regions of the world, even entire countries, and certainly many members of your own religion, living in 12th century conditions? And by the way O, what's the mortgage 'nut' you gotta meet each month for that cave-condo in Pakistan? "
"Monastica quod Logic es redarguo. Meum cerebrum nocet!" ("Religion and Logic are contradictory. My head hurts!")
PS: Today's the day Gen. Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker are speaking before Congress. Here's my prediction ..... Just you watch, by the end of their 2 days in Washington, they're going to be called every foul thing the Libs can think of, from "Bush-lackeys" to outright "liars!" Keep your eyes on "all the usual suspects" Reid, Durbin, Pelosi, Feinstein, Kennedy, Shumer, Murtha, Kerry, and the mainstream PRESS will be close behind! It's going to be a hoot! - KAJ
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